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Why your flooring matters – no matter what house you live in

When it comes to the design of our homes, one of the things we tend to overlook is the flooring. We spend ages choosing soft furnishings and picking a colour for the walls, but choosing flooring can often be a rushed decision. However, it is a decision that should actually be considered very carefully, as the flooring you choose will have a massive impact on your home. Read on to discover more about why your flooring matters.

Where to start

There is only one place to begin, and this is with the impression that your flooring makes. If you choose a cheap carpet, for example, it will cheapen the rest of the property. However, if you were to opt for sleek, modern designer tiles, you would give your home a clean and contemporary feel, creating the wow factor. In fact, you may be shocked by just how much of a difference your choice of flooring makes. It is certainly worth spending more on your flooring and cutting back your budget on other parts of the house to accommodate it.

Consider usage

Your flooring also matters because of how often it is going to be used. We all select a mattress with care because we know that we are going to lie on it every night, and so we want something that will retain its comfort and quality for years to come. Well, the same can be said for flooring – we walk around in our homes every day, and so quality flooring is essential. This is especially the case in high traffic areas in the home. Not only this, but spillages are likely to occur in the kitchen and water will get onto the floor in the bathroom, so you need flooring that can withstand this. Consider the needs of your family – not only now, but well into the future. Are you planning on getting a pet, or having children? All these things will affect the usage of your flooring, so should be considered before you invest in your floor.

Will it cost me in the long term?

Finally, your choice of flooring is important because it can save you a lot of money in the long run. You may be tempted to choose a low cost and low quality floor in order to save a bit of money now. But, in the long run, it will only cost you more. If you choose the right flooring now, you can avoid expensive cleaning bills in the future. Plus, you won’t need to buy replacement flooring within the next few years, as would have been the case had you done things differently.

As you can see, your choice of flooring is a lot more important than you may initially realise. Not only does it impact the overall look and feel of your home, but also choosing quality flooring now can save you a lot of money in the long run. So, ditch the cheap carpet and other low quality solutions, and opt for something that looks great and will retain its quality for many years to come, such as porcelain or ceramic floor tiles.

Julie Lord

I have a Masters degree in PPE (UK) and now research and write as a freelancer on a variety of subjects such as personal finance, home improvements and work-life balance.

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