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Wicked Modes of Transport You Should Consider Having

Many of us don’t really think about how essential it is to have an awesome mode of transport. You might look at it as a practical move. However, it’s also important to think about the aesthetic value of certain forms of transport. So, here are a few of the best forms of transport you might consider having in your life.


Check these out, and then make a decision about what you want to get.


This is the most common form of transport for people in this country. Cars are vital for getting us from place to place, and for relying on in the case of emergencies. Many of us have our own car, and we develop an attachment to it. You might think that cars are a little boring and generic to be on this list. But you couldn’t be more wrong. There are plenty of wicked cars around. You can get luxuries motors such as Jaguars and BMWs. Then there are sports vehicles like the Porsche. But then you might also think about more unusual cars with a lot of character, like the Mini or a Land Rover.


If you feel like you live a little more on the wild side, you might think about getting a motorbike. Cars are fine, sure. But everybody has a car, and you might want to separate yourself from the crowd. By getting a motorbike, you give yourself a bit more freedom and excitement than a car would generate. Motorbikes can go faster, they are more agile than cars, and they look cool as well. If you’re serious about getting one you’re going to need to make sure you have all the relevant safety gear.


Have you ever watched someone on a Segway and thought ‘I’d love to have one of those’? Well, how about going one better? Instead of a Segway you should think about getting yourself SegBoards. These are similar, but they are a little more stylish because they have no handlebars. Check out SwayMonkey and have a look at the range they have on offer. This is a modern, trendy and stylish form of getting around. Think about how funky you’re going to be on your very own SegBoard.


Of course, if you’re into fitness you would probably rather go with a bicycle. The good thing about these is they are much cheaper and easier to maintain than cars and motorbikes. You can cycle almost anywhere, and it’s much quicker than walking. Cycling is an excellent way to get around while also getting fit at the same time. The other great thing about a bike is that it’s easy to maintain, and you don’t have to stop for petrol! Change your life now, by getting a bike and making regular use of it.

How we get around is a very important part of our day to day life. For many people, modes of transport are a practical necessity. For others, they are a status symbol. You need to decide what sort of transportation is going to best suit you. And also, the sort of thing that appeals to you in a visual and practical sense.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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