Women in Boots: How to Choose the Best Workboots

As with any job, the tools are useful for helping make the work easier. Even the underappreciated tools are essential, which includes the boots. In labor jobs, shoes are a necessity for safety, but they should also be comfortable as well. When it comes to women’s work boots, there are some intricacies.

You might think that any workboot is the same, but if you work in them regularly, then you know that the quality can vary wildly. The differences in women’s work boots are evident, and you need to find the best possible fit and function for your job. Here are some things to look for.

Sizing Matters

The size of the boots is not always going to be the same size as your regular shoes, which is why trying them on is a must. Women’s shoe size, on average in the U.S. is 8.5 to 9, but for boots, you might assume you need a 10 or an 8, which could cause problems. Women’s feet generally have a thinner midsection as well, so men’s boots might not fit well. Ill-fitting boots on the job site are no good, because if they are too loose and you could create safety problems, and too small will be incredibly uncomfortable. Trying on boots is a must to get a true-to-size fit.


The comfort of the boot can make all the difference on a long workday. Being on your feet and working hard for 8-12 hours a day will put a hefty toll on your back and knees if your boots are uncomfortable. As mentioned, women’s feet are thinner near the midsection of the arch, so it is valuable information to have when finding work boots for women that offer the proper support. Some boots come with insoles to soften the impact between you and the floor, which can benefit your back health too.

The style must be present

Not all workboots are built the same. The style of your boot is less about the looks and more about functionality. Women are shorter on average. This is an undeniable fact, so it is good to consider if taller boots might be less flexible for your work. The higher a boot rides on the shin and calf, the less flexible it could be. Shorter boots provide less protection for the shin but could provide more mobility. It really depends on the physicality of work and your preference.

Price should be fair

It is always worth mentioning the price when considering buying any new work footwear. Workboots can be affordable, or they can be expensive, it is a matter of opinion whether the cost is worth it, but your budget matters. Some boots can be as cheap as $80 and work great, while others could be a few hundred but not as good, so choose wisely. Usually, the higher cost will warrant better materials and construction, and on a worksite, you want your boots to withstand any kind of abuse they may take, so spend wisely.

Women on the worksite use all the same tools, do the same jobs, and are as valuable as ever, but sometimes you need to consider the small differences. When it comes to workboots, the size and shape of your feet will differ from men, so finding the right boot that fits well and lasts long is a must to ensure good productivity on the job site.

Shubhi Gupta

Shubhi Gupta is a freelance author and writes for a variety of online publications. She actively writes blogs and articles and very fond of writing content on different topics.

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