Worthy reasons to vape instead of smoke – Is vaping a worthy alternative?

Despite the increased popularity of electronic cigarettes, there are still several people who keep wondering why so many people vape. Few years back, it was a rather rare sight to someone using a vape pen. If you could spot someone in the public holding a vape pen, that would be equivalent to spotting a unicorn. There are plenty who didn’t even know what they were. However, times have changed now and vape pens have become more commonplace these days. They’re being marketed as the best alternatives for smoking cessation.

If you’re someone who has been trying hard to quit smoking but you’re not able to, you can try vaping electronic cigarettes so that you can gradually manage the strength of nicotine and later on ditch smoking forever. You can read more on why people vape instead of smoke and for more information, read below.

Vaping fosters better health

If you ask the most active smoker, he will tell you that smoking is injurious to health. If that would not be the fact, then would they name it cancer sticks? Between lung problems, cancer, teeth destruction and skin issues, cigarette smoking can be both life-threatening and damaging. Vaping doesn’t utilize smoke and hence they don’t contaminate your health as cigarettes. Vaping is a much healthier activity than smoking.

Vaping provides you with several flavors

You can’t deny the fact that traditional cigarettes taste really bad. In fact, there are lots who find the taste terrible. Although there are different flavors available for cigarettes, you can’t ever compare them to the flavors which are available for electronic cigarettes. This is therefore another reason behind so many people switching to vaping rather than smoking tobacco cigarettes.

E-cigs are much less addictive

By now it is no longer a secret that cigarettes are extremely addictive. The nicotine that you find in cigarettes can lead to addiction for both your mind and body. The manufacturers of tobacco have already been faced with many lawsuits due to loss of reputation and money. This is why it is seen that vaping is much less addictive than tobacco cigarettes.

Better aesthetics

Cigarettes not only taste terrible but at the same time, they’re also not attractive at all. For girls, seeing a man hanging a cigarette in between his lips is an instant turn-off. Vape pens, on the other hand, don’t have such an impact. The design of vape pens is more attractive than the look of tobacco cigarettes. In fact, vape pens look like a piece of advanced technology. No, that doesn’t imply that looks mean everything but it definitely counts.

Vape pens are more accepted

Most countries harbor an anti-cigarette mentality. Even though there are millions who smoke on a regular basis, many businesses and citizens still shy away from it. It’s not proper to shun people who smoke but due to the adverse impact caused by second-hand smoke, there are restrictions in public places and bars.

Hence, as you can see the worthy reasons to vape, what is your reason to ditch smoking and start vaping? Let us know if you have any other valid reason to vape instead of smoke.

Simon Hopes

I am Simon Hopes, a reputed guest blogger, who has been in this profession for about 7 years now. I have been sharing my opinions & contributing to varied websites.

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