The users of this site, especially the authors, are to be bound by the following Terms of Use (TOU).

    1. The articles would be expected to be close to 500 words. The longer the better for us.
    2. Any content related to sex, dating, sexual gestures, sexually explicit or even sexual health including images and/or videos, casinos, gambling, poker, narcotics like CBD are not allowed.
    3. The articles should be furnished with relevant featured image and links.
    4. Duplication of posts either from internal or external sources is DISALLOWED.
    5. Only default formatting of the posts should be used. Adding HTML elements like <p> OR <span> OR <strong> in the article is not allowed. The content should be proof-read and thus all unnecessary HTML elements should be removed.
    6. Adding images in the body of the post is discouraged. The featured image is sufficient. (However, if the content demands, those can also be added)
    7. No part of your articles should be in bold text. If any texts/phrases are needed to be emphasized, this can be done. But making any sub-heads or any links bold is not allowed.
    8. The grammatical errors in the content should be taken care of.
    9. The sub-heads should be in H3 elements only instead of using other header tags like H1, H2, H4 and so. They should never be made bold.
    1. You’re believed to follow the best Guest Blogging ethics while publishing the articles. You can submit as many posts as you wish with virtually no bars at all. However, make sure your content is relevant, have value and have relevant links in them with relevant images.
    2. You cannot reproduce the articles anywhere on the web under any circumstances once they are published in this blog.
    3. You give us the right to :
      1. edit your articles to our requirements
      2. delete your articles altogether from the blog if they are found irrelevant, duplicated, highly promotional in nature, contain bad post-formatting or do not make sense at all.
    4. You are requested to mix your links with other links that are relevant to the content. You can add maximum of 3 links in any part of the content. However, you need to make sure they all make some sense in the post; else they will be removed from the posts.
    5. You agree not to pitch in any affiliate links leading to a product sales page anywhere in the content.
    6. We shall have the rights to attribute any link no-follow if any of these guest posts guidelines are not strictly followed.
    1. if your email address no longer holds a valid G-Rated Gravatar Image;
    2. if your articles tend to ignore the core subject of this multi-blog system;
    3. if any part of the content including images or videos is related to Sex or sexual gestures or indication, (even sexual health);
    4. if your articles conform to non-acceptable topics;
    5. if you are inactive on the site for a very long time;
    6. if your articles need too much of editing (like grammar errors, disallowed HTML elements, and etc.);
    7. if you’re no longer following the points mentioned in the General Section.
    8. Articles posted under the deactivated/deleted accounts or the links in those articles can be removed permanently.
    9. Accounts kept under deactivated mode for more than one month may be removed without any email notification. So, please send us a mail to keep your account active (if you receive any deactivation email) if you wish to remain a blogger on our blog.

Thank you once again for your interest in contributing to this blog. We’d expect you to be a regular author on this blog. For others, feel free to reach us.

Updated on : 22nd July, 2024