Your Luck in Getting the Legal Jobs

Each year, more than 200,000 students join the benches of law faculties. Indeed, Law remains a safe bet and rightly so since legal sciences remain a very promising sector on the job market. According to a note from the Ministry of Higher Education, the professional integration rate of young lawyers is nearly 89% within 18 months after graduation and 93% within 30 months, all for a net salary, average of 1930 dollars monthly. If you go for the legal jobs Bangkok then the following information are important.

Rate of Employment

However, these are averages to be put into perspective. Indeed, all branches of law do not experience the same employability rate. The illustration is that not all law degrees open the same number of opportunities. Thus, a master with a “research” focus will have less professional integration than a master with a “professional” focus.

Among the most popular areas of law, there is business law (corporate, bank mergers and acquisitions, etc.), real estate law, but above all, with the entry into force of the GDPR, very high demand among lawyers specializing in personal data protection. However, it should be kept in mind that this is only a trend and that we should not rush to these legal specializations on the sole argument of fluctuations in the labor market. Above all, you must try to choose your professional path according to your tastes.

Variety of Niches

Indeed, law is such a broad field of study that it offers endless niches and opportunities that most people don’t even know exist. For example, you can cite public law, which, contrary to popular belief, is a specialization increasingly sought after and yet neglected by students (about 10% of publicists per faculty). Some young lawyers tend to refuse additional work for fear of being overwhelmed.  However, this specialization of law, apart from the wide range of administrative competitions, offers a very large number of openings, particularly in the private and associative sectors. Being available is of the utmost importance. The partner, who seeks, on Friday evening, a lawyer likely to prepare a note for him for Monday morning, Indeed, certain branches of public law are becoming more and more essential in the legal landscape, such as environmental law or town planning law. Being available is of the utmost importance. The partner, who seeks, on Friday evening, a lawyer likely to prepare a note for him for Monday morning, In addition, even general public law (administrative law) offers opportunities, given the scarcity of lawyers in this branch. To give figures, the recruitment of public law lawyers increased by 41% for the year 2017/2018, all before branches of business law. This same illustration is also found in areas such as criminal law, which is reputed to be clogged up, which recruits in a context of terrorism.

If there was one leitmotif of a good law student, it would be the following: not to undergo law studies! These are long and rigorous studies, why waste 5 years of your life to find yourself in a field of law that does not flourish.

Simon Hopes

I am Simon Hopes, a reputed guest blogger, who has been in this profession for about 7 years now. I have been sharing my opinions & contributing to varied websites.

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