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Your Wedding Guest Outfit Dilemmas, Sorted

Are you invited to a wedding, but you’re in a bit of a pickle when it comes to what to wear? The bride has to go through a lot to find the perfect look for her big day, but then so do the guests. The guests need to make sure they’re not overshadowing the bride, or wearing anything unsuitable for the occasion. Here are some of the most common wedding guest dilemmas, sorted:


Is it an Appropriate Length?

When it comes to length, you don’t want to show off too much skin at all. You should go for something that comes just above the knee. The idea isn’t to dress as sexy as you possibly can, but as elegant and classy as you can. It might not be what you’re used to, but this is a special occasion that calls for something more demure!

Will it Fit?

Depending on what kind of dress you’re getting, you might need to have a fitting to be sure that it suits you perfectly. However, you can buy things like these plus size mother of the bride outfits in the first place to ensure that something is going to fit you. If you’re having something made to measure, you need to be sure your weight won’t fluctuate nearer to the time.

Can I Wear Black/White?

Can you wear black/white to a wedding – the answer here can be quite tricky. You can wear black if you choose something appropriate. You don’t want to look like you’re heading to a funeral, do you? However, the biggest issue here is white. Wearing white to a wedding could potentially step on the bride’s toes, or she may not mind at all. That being said, even if she doesn’t mind some people may find it disrespectful. Many people advise that you stay as far away from the spectrum of white hues as possible. There are so many colours to choose from, so it would be nice to go for something a little brighter, even pastels! Romantic shades like this work so well at weddings.

Hat or Hairpiece?

Some people wear hats to weddings; but you’ll probably notice that that’s mainly celebrities and royalty who have too much money to spare. You don’t need to wear a hat to a wedding, ever if you don’t want to. If you want to decorate your hair in some way, why not wear a decorative hairpiece? These are so much prettier and you’ll likely feel better in one.

Will I Clash?

You definitely don’t want to clash with members of the bridal party. This will look bad in the pictures, and they last forever even if your outfits don’t! Just ask the bride for a few subtle hints before you decide what you’re actually buying. You also don’t want to look like a wannabe bridesmaid!

I hope this post has helped you solve a load of your wedding guest outfit dilemmas and you feel more confident getting dressed from now on. Bye for now!

Kalyan B Das

Kalyan is a web developer, a blogger and an online entrepreneur. He is the primary developer of this blog and takes care of all the technical happenings in this site

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