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4 Common Health Issues Children Experience & How to Make It Easier on Them

No matter how careful you try to be, your child is going to experience at least a handful of health issues as they grow older. Most of these injuries and illnesses are relatively harmless, but they can be quite uncomfortable to go through. Here is a look at four of the most common medical issues that children experience and a few steps you can take to keep them happy and healthy.


Before deciding on how to take care of your child’s toothache, you must first make sure that it is not the result of a serious health complication such as an infected root. If the discomfort is being caused by erupting teeth, then you can give your child a mild painkiller that is specifically designed for younger patients. You might also want to have them chew on a cold compress to numb the area and reduce the swelling.

Toothaches can happen for a multitude of reasons, including cavities and broken teeth. If your child is dealing with an ache as a result of a broken or chipped teeth, this can be a good opportunity to teach them about the importance of not chewing on hard things or playing sports without mouthguards. If it is the result of a cavity, this is a great opportunity to teach them about dental hygiene and why it is important to always brush their teeth and to limit the amount of sugary foods that they consume.


Allergies that affect a child’s eyes, ears, and nose can be quite aggravating to deal with. The first thing you must try to do is lessen the side effects with a nasal spray such as Dymista, eye drops, ear drops, and anti-inflammatory medication. To help with the administering of such medications, have your child lay their head on your lap as you put the medicine into their eyes, nose, or ears. This will help them to be more comfortable and less anxious about it. You should also have them wash their hands as often as possible to prevent allergens from getting on their face. For severe allergies, you might need to speak with your doctor about prescription medication.


Even though fevers are very common in children, you should never take them lightly. As long as the fever is relatively mild, you might be able to control it by keeping them hydrated and giving them regular baths in lukewarm water. Once their fever breaks 104° F, however, you should immediately take them to the emergency room. Failing to break a high fever can result in permanent damage to their brain and respiratory system.

Food Poisoning

Those who are able to recognize the early warning signs of food poisoning can often avoid many of the dangerous side effects such as severe dehydration. The most common food poisoning symptoms include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, cramps, and aching limbs. As long as your child stays hydrated and the side effects subside within a day or two, they will most likely not need to see a doctor. Parents should seek out immediate medical attention if their child cannot keep fluids down or they develop other issues such as a fever.

While many of these common health problems can easily be taken care of with over-the-counter treatments, parents should always be wary of long-term illnesses and injuries that are impacting their child’s quality of life.

Hannah Whittenly

Hannah Whittenly is a freelance writer and mother of two from Sacramento, CA. She graduated from the University of California-Sacramento with a degree in Journalism.

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