4 Creative Activities for Kids to Bring Your Family Closer Together

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If you have children, you can form closer bonds with them by engaging in a series of creative activities. Many of these activities foster a sense of teamwork and can even be effective in strengthening communication and listening skills. These four activities are among the most creative ways for you and your children to bond.

Put Together a Time Capsule

A time capsule is made up of an assortment of items that serve as a reminder of the past when they are later revealed. You and your children may want to include old photographs, toys and certain artworks. Any electronic items you wish to include should have the batteries removed to avoid corrosion. You can also have your children write letters to their future selves, which is a great way to reconnect with your inner child.

The International Time Capsule Society recommends using a container that is cool, dry and dark to store your items. It is generally best to store a time capsule in a secure indoor location instead of burying it in the ground outdoors. You can then schedule a future date (50 years or less is recommended) to retrieve and review the items inside the time capsule. Be sure you devise some sort of reminder so your finished capsule isn’t forgotten in the ground.

Plant a Garden

Along with being a great bonding experience, planting a garden with your children will allow you to gain a greater appreciation of nature. You can pick up a package of flower seeds or seeds that grow certain types of fruits or vegetables and sow them into moist soil. You can then harvest any fruits or vegetables that grow and ripen or have a beautiful flowerbed to enjoy for much of the year. During the winter season, you may also choose to plant seeds in containers that can be kept indoors.

Create a Picture Collage

You can ask your children to help with picking favorite photos to include in a collage. Photos taken during family vacations, birthday parties or other special events are great to feature in your collection. Frames from Mybarnwoodframes.com and other specialty stores are specifically made for collages have openings for several photographs. Some of these frames are made to hang on walls or be displayed on a shelf or table.

Make Your Own Instruments

You don’t have to have a background in music to make instruments that will be fun to play with your kids. Homemade drums, string instruments and other musical devices are easy to make with just a few simple household items. Rubber bands, empty cans and even seashells are some of the best items to use to create these instruments.

Engaging in a creative activity is one of the greatest ways to spend time getting closer to your children. Many of these activities do not require a great deal of skill or prior knowledge and are easy to fit in whenever you have some extra free time.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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