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4 Gifts That Coffee Lovers Will Instant-ly Love

We all have them in our lives – those people that are addicted to a cup of Joe. You see them all the time with a mocha or latte in their hands, looking for their next fix. But, instead of weaning them off the brown stuff, you should encourage it. After all, it makes buying them a present so much easier! So, the next time it is their birthday or Christmas rolls around don’t be afraid to indulge their habit. Let’s face it – they are too far gone!

Here are a handful of gifts they will appreciate if you ever need inspiration.

Pouches & Bags

The average person opens up a jar of instant and throws it in a tin. Then, it is easily accessible the next time you want a cup of java. However, coffee-heads are a lot more protective of caffeine than the typical person. To them, it is like brown gold, and it needs treating with the same care and attention. This is where coffee packaging comes into play. By covering it up, they can ensure that nothing contaminates the beans. Plus, a pouch also prevents the coffee from going bad, if it lasts that long!

Coffee Alarm Clock

Ask any lover of coffee what they want most in life, and it will be to wake up with a cup of coffee. Well, the good news is they can with a novelty alarm clock! As the name suggests, it’s a clock moulded into the shape of a cup of Joe with alarm capabilities. So, every time they go to bed or wake up, they will have old faithful by their side. What’s great is that they can go to sleep without the caffeine hit. Quite simply, this gift will transform their sleeping habits and set them up for the rest of the day. Who knew?!

Sofa Holder

One of the most annoying things about being a caffeine enthusiast is always having a cup in hand. Of course, it is awesome when they want to take another hit, yet it’s annoying when they have nowhere to put the cup. After all, the coffee table may not be within reach of the couch all of the time. Luckily, some geeks in a lab have come up with a solution, and it’s the sofa holder. Simply put, the holder wraps around the arm of the couch and creates a flat and stable surface.

Thermos Flask

New age and creative presents are all the rage in 2017. That being said, there is still room for an oldie but goodie. The goodie in question is a thermos, and it is as topical today than ever before. At the beginning of the day, people need to get to work yet they still need a cup of coffee. With a flask, they can always have a piping hot mug by their side. Sure, Starbucks is muscling in with their immediate service, but that method is time-consuming and expensive.

Thanks to a thermos, there are pretty much zero money and time constraints. Plus they look cool!

Kalyan B Das

Kalyan is a web developer, a blogger and an online entrepreneur. He is the primary developer of this blog and takes care of all the technical happenings in this site

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