4 Things Everyone Should Do for Healthy Feet

Most of us take our feet for granted. We assume as long as they don’t cause much pain or give out when we’re walking on them, they’re fine. But like other body parts, your feet can develop problems over time. Left untreated, those problems can erupt into a serious problem that requires immediate treatment or even surgery. While health problems can strike anytime, there are many ways to keep healthy. Here are simple things you can do to keep your feet healthy.

Wear Comfortable Shoes

Wearing slippers around the house is one way to relax your feet. But wearing ill-fitting shoes in public can literally deform your feet eventually. Avoid wearing shoes with pointed toes, extremely high heels, or that fit tightly. Foot-fitting shoes that hinder circulation can cause your feet to become tingly or discolored. Footwear that increases sweating due to a snug fit can lead to athlete’s foot, a fungus infection. Choose stylish shoes that let your feet breathe comfortably and spread out to provide secure footing.

Give Your Feet a Break

In addition to wearing cozy slippers at home, take fifteen minutes a day to put your feet up and take your weight off them to improve circulation. You can also go barefoot in clean, safe areas to exercise your foot’s natural shape and tread. Your feet will love an occasional soak in warm water with a gentle body shampoo added or natural ingredients as approved by your doctor. Soaking can soothe or even remove certain types of calluses. Warm water will make your toenails easier to trim and groom. You will actually feel good all over by resting your tired, achy feet in a pan filled with warm, soapy water.

At the first sign of unusual problems, contact a podiatrist for a diagnosis and recommended treatment. Conditions like bunions, warts, hammertoe, or an ingrown toenail should be professionally evaluated to determine the best course of action. Sometimes you will be advised to wait and see how a situation progresses. Other times, the podiatrist will advise prompt action, such as treating an ingrown toenail to prevent infection. Swift treatment is vital to maintaining your health. When a problem arises, get help as soon as possible.

Protect Your Feet

Your feet deserve the same care and consideration as the rest of your body. Apply sunscreen when sunbathing. Go barefoot on clean floors to avoid picking up dirt as well as flea or tick bites outdoors or from a pet that brings them inside after being outdoors. It’s a good idea to wear socks in winter to keep your feet warm as well as in areas that are dirty or dusty or that may be contaminated by pesticide or other toxins.

Like honestly any parts of the body that work as intended, one can forget to take proper care of one’s feet. As you make healthy habits and plans, be sure to think of every part of your body.  Take good care of your feet, so you can enjoy life-long benefits of mobility. Take the above tips seriously and get help as soon as you encounter a problem. Your feet are sure to thank you.

Lizzie Weakley

Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. In her free time, she enjoys writing, watching sports, the outdoors, and long walks in the park with her husky Snowball.

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