4 Tips for Maintaining Your Home Before Listing

Selling your home could be the solution to a lot of problems. Whether you want to buy a new home, open a business, or pay for healthcare expenses, a sale could give you the cash you need. However, you want to make the most of this event. After all, it’s not every day that you sell. So, you want to make as much money as you can from the sale. But to get top dollar, you need to do a few maintenance tasks to make sure the property is in tip-top shape.

A well-cared home sells better, and little things like a broken doorbell, leaky faucets make buyers wary of buying your home.

To prevent these minor details from ruining your sale, focus on these four maintenance fixes to make your home look good.

Perform Basic Outdoor Maintenance

Whether you live on the property or not, the home needs lawn care, so you need to keep the outdoor areas tidy and keep the lawn mowed. Be sure to remove dead trees, rake leaves, and clean flowerbeds. If you don’t live there, be sure to have the yard regularly maintained by professional landscapers. Your home’s yard is typically the first thing that potential buyers will see. It is important to maintain all areas of your property to make a good first impression.

Clean the Gutters and Check Roofs

This problem can be difficult to overlook when you are moving. However, your gutters and roof cannot be neglected as they cause other issues like drainage problems. Potential buyers do not like to see puddles of water in gutters and drains, which could make them think there are other issues behind the scenes. In addition, water that has been misdirected by damaged gutters can pool which can lead to mold growth. It’s best to handle minor problems soon before they can cause costly damages that require extensive repairs.

Maintain Your Air Conditioning

Before bringing potential buyers to your home, be sure to call in an AC expert to inspect the system, replace filters and ensure that everything is in working order. The last thing a buyer wants to do is replace an AC system right after buying a home. Relying on a professional that provides air conditioning services can help your system continue to run efficiently.

Inspect the Roof

The roof will get an inspection when the home inspector comes, but it would be in your best interest to do it before you put the home up for sale. Small roof cracks can let water infiltrate and damage the ceiling and walls. Take care of the problem as soon as you know about them.

Maintenance of a home is essential, even when you don’t live there anymore. Pay attention to anything that looks old and unkept. The last message you want to give buyers is that you no longer care about your property. When you’re ready to sell your home, be sure to work with someone who has a real estate license.

Staying on top of regular maintenance chores makes it easier to sell the home and gets you more money.

Brooke Chaplan

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.