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4 Ways Families Can Improve and Take Pride in Their Home

Your home is more than just a space to store your stuff. It could be a place to rejuvenate, relax and enjoy your leisure time. When you take the time to care for your home, it will be more useful and enjoyable for you and those who live with and visit you. Follow these four tips to improve your home and develop pride for it.

Apply a Fresh Coat of Paint to the Exterior

Paint helps to protect the exterior of your home from moisture intrusion. When paint flakes away, moisture can get into the wood and cause it to rot. Exposure to the sun and extreme temperatures cause wear and tear on the paint. Be sure to apply a fresh coat of paint to the exterior of your home once every year or two. In addition to practicality, this will also help keep your home looking fresh and new, despite the fact that it is constantly aging.

Take Care of Your Air Conditioning and Heating System

Your home’s central air conditioning and heating system keeps you comfortable all year long. This system has a heavy workload and needs regular maintenance in order to operate efficiently. Some companies, like Neil Hewitt Electrical & Air Conditioning, know that you should replace the disposable air filter every three months. Sanitize the condensate line. Hose off the metal fins on the outside of the unit. Schedule a maintenance and tune-up visit once per year.

Keep the Front Porch and Entryway Clean

The front porch and entryway will be seen by everyone who arrives at your home. It is important to keep these areas clean for safety reasons. Sweep the front porch weekly. If snow or ice are forecast, apply a layer of deicer to keep the steps safe. That way, the risk of slips and falls will be somewhat lessened overall. Place a welcome mat on your front porch in front of your main door. This will help visitors and guests know that they are welcome and that they are in a safe place.  This is especially important when it comes to making mail workers and delivery drivers feel comfortable when dropping in for a quick visit.

Clear Away Clutter and Keep the Home Tidy

A messy, disorganized home may not cause you to feel any pride. Donate the various items that you no longer use or have come into disuse over time. Give yourself a deadline to have broken items fixed. If the deadline passes, put them into the trash. Schedule a time for decluttering. Get your entire household in on the project. Even preschool children can identify toys they no longer play with or clothes that no longer fit. Make sure there is ample space to store the things you use and enjoy.

Caring for your home is an ongoing process. There will always be something to clean or fix. The time you spend investing in your home is like making an investment in your own well-being. When your neighbors, family or friends visit, you will have a great sense of pride in home ownership.

Rachelle Wilber

Rachelle Wilber is a freelance writer living in the San Diego, California area.

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