5 Courses to Take to Help You Become a Better Parent

Parenting is a job that requires skill and is one of the hardest of all times. That is because it has typically occurred without a manual or a how-to guide until now. Today, many parenting classes help adults do a better job parenting. Some benefits of parenting classes are:


  • To help parents master the basics of parenting.
  • To keep parents abreast of new research in parenting.
  • To teach parents how to engage with children.
  • To gain confidence as parents.
  • To develop a network.
  • To raise happier children.


There are a lot of courses to you become a better parent. The top five are:

Talking to Toddlers

Toddlers are one of the most strong-willed and stubborn groups of humans alive. They express emotions, speak in phrases, help dress themselves, sing, dance, and are learning the alphabet, shapes, and colors. They say the word no a lot and are also little sponges and can repeat almost everything said to them.


Talking with your toddlers will help their language and communication development. As a class, Talking to Toddlers teaches:

How to properly talk to your toddler.

How to cross an emotional bridge with your toddler.

What triggers toddlers.

From Conflict to Cooperation: When the word “no” causes more problems than it solves or no longer resolves conflicts between parents and children, the From Conflict to Cooperation class can be a saving grace. This class will help with the power struggles, help make parenting fun again, and stop fighting with children. It teaches parents how to:

  • Use boundaries and connection to navigate conflict.
  • Help parents identify patterns that keep the cycle going.
  • Get children to react differently to situations when they don’t like something.
  • Identify how to have calm, cooperative conversations with children.


Online Positive Parenting Course

Positive parenting involves a method of parenting that holds children to realistic standards with real expectations. The positive parenting method empowers children to be more capable and resilient.


There are several different positive parenting classes that children who want to do the right thing, and parents must understand those specific methods of discipline can break children’s spirits. It teaches that:

  • There is a logic behind children’s behavior.
  • Discipline builds children’s self-esteem.
  • Parents can retain a positive influence in children’s lives.


This course is helpful for parents of all age children, and mastery of the lessons in this class leads parents to parent coaching jobs for a career path of purpose and passion.

Peace at Home Parenting Solution

Peace is what every parent wants. However, if there are multiple children in the household, there will undoubtedly be bickering, yelling, and sometimes fighting. The Peace at Home Parenting Solution will help reduce stress at home, decrease children’s negative behavior, and create a stronger family relationship. Parents will learn:

  • What makes kids feel safe in an environment and tips to provide that.
  • Proven methods to improve children’s behavior.
  • Ways to make it more likely for children to cooperate.
  • Ways to make children feel more motivated to succeed.

The Science of Parenting

This all-inclusive class goes from opinions to the science of parenting. The class uses science to help parents make sensible and informed decisions. The course covers everything from diet, sleep, discipline, learning, vaccination, and impulse control. This course teaches parents:

Core knowledge information like sleep, discipline, breastfeeding, learning, and others.

Analytical and applied techniques such as genetics traits and understanding correlations

Best practices for things like sleep training and feeding.


There are many parenting classes today that help parents do a better job parenting. Although that list is long, the top five courses to take to help you become a better parent are Talking to Toddlers, From Conflict to Cooperation, Online Positive Parenting Course, Peace at Home Parenting Solution, The Science of Parenting.


Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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