5 Major Types Of Injuries You Can Suffer After A Car Accident

Car accidents cause damages. However, the most visible and obvious damage is the destruction of the vehicle. But a car accident can also damage your body that may not be visible in an immediate way. Here a personal injury lawyer can help you to take action against it.

For every 5 car accidents, there is a chance that at least one car accident will cause some serious injury to the person. So, it is really crucial to know what are the major types of injuries that one can suffer after a car accident.

As two vehicles collide with each other in a car accident, a huge amount of force is being applied in a rapid manner. By bending and twisting your body the way it should not be, this huge force can cause some major damages to your body.

5 Major Types Of Injuries You Can Suffer After A Car Accident-

Though there are a number of injuries that anyone can get from a car accident, here are the 5 major types of injuries you can suffer after a car accident.

1. TBI or Traumatic Brain Injuries:

If we look at the statistics, we will be able to know that every year around 50,000 people are dying due to traumatic brain injuries or TBI., and there are another 80,000 to 90,000 people who are suffering any long-term disability or disabilities as a result of TBI.

Do you know what the reason behind TBI is? The leading cause behind traumatic brain injuries or TBI is car accidents. It occurs when our brain gets injured by a blow or any kind of piercing injury to the head.

2. Paralysis And Spinal Cord Injuries:

From a car accident, you can suffer from some serious long-term disabilities due to spinal cord injury. Tetraplegia, quadriplegia, and paraplegia are some of them. The damage is caused to the spinal cord due to a car crash.

It can result in total or partial paralysis beneath the level of injury. In Tetraplegia or quadriplegia, the person partially or totally loses the use of the four limbs and torso. Paraplegia is also similar, but it does not affect the arm.

3. Internal Injuries:

At the time, when the crash forces the person’s body into an object or the body is hit by any flying object, some internal damage may occur. From these types of injuries, internal bleeding may occur, and it needs immediate medical treatment.

Some of the internal injuries are,

  • Punctured lungs.
  • Liver damage.
  • Kidney injury.
  • Diaphragm rupture.
  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm.
  • Spleen damage.

4. Limb Loss And Amputation:

In a car accident, damage, a leg, arm, toe, finger, or any other appendages can be damaged severely. And the severity can be as much as it may require some surgical amputation. All these types of injuries also can leave some permanent disabling effects on the victim.

You can take help from a Carrollton personal injury lawyer for these kinds of injuries that will require surgical amputations.

5. Disfiguring Facial Injuries And Cars:

From car accidents, it is also possible to have facial injuries. Broken glass or the impact of the windshield, steering wheel, car seat, side window, airbag, dash, or any other hard surface can cause these types of injuries.

All these disfigurements of any kind of facial injuries might need some surgical corrections and also could leave the victim with a scar that will last really long. Here are some types of facial injuries,

  • Eye injuries.
  • Bone fractures.
  • Soft tissue injuries.
  • Facial deformities.
  • Soft tissue injuries.


So, now you know the major 5 injuries that you can suffer from a car accident. You can contact any Carrollton personal injury lawyer in order to file a lawsuit against the driver who you think is responsible for this car accident. But you need to make sure that you have all the medical documents and also the photos of the accidents so that you can file a case.

Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer by profession and blogger by passion. She is co-founder of Content Rally.

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