5 Safety Tips to Prevent Home Intruders

Take control of your personal safety wherever you are — at work, when out socializing, and at home. Protecting your house doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. Remember, you don’t need it to be impenetrable, just unattractive to intruders. Ideally, if burglars are casing your house, you want them to decide it’s not worth the trouble. Here are five tips to help you.

Privacy Matters

First and foremost, be aware of the information you’re sharing. If you have high-value items in your home, prescription drugs, or firearms, you should take care not to advertise that. Don’t disclose information about your valuables to people you don’t know well, and be sensible about what you share on social media or when you investigate online chess lessons. Additionally, make sure empty boxes from expensive purchases are not visible in your garbage. Shred bank statements and receipts before disposing of them, too. These steps can also help protect you from identity theft.

Don’t Let Your Property Look Neglected

Thieves are more likely to target a property that looks like no one is paying attention to it. For example, an external gate that is never fastened or locked suggests that perhaps there are unlocked windows and doors to exploit as well. Additionally, a criminal committing small thefts from yards, cars, and outbuildings might be tempted to break in to the home if prior thefts seem to have gone unnoticed.

Consider a Security System

A security system is not a silver bullet, but it can be a big help when protecting your home. Burglars are more likely to skip a home with a security system, and many thieves will run if they trigger a security alarm, or for that matter, the bark of a dog. Security systems are superior to dogs in many ways. For one, they call the police immediately if they go off, and they can be scarier than dogs to want-to-be burglars because of this. Having both is preferable if at all possible.

Be Aware of Who is around Your Home

It’s common for burglars to monitor properties for a period of time before trying to break in. Be aware of anyone spending time near your property who doesn’t belong there, and don’t be afraid to report suspicious activity to the police. A criminal who encounters law enforcement when casing a property will usually move on to an easier target. Make sure you know your neighbors and your neighborhood, this is the best way to keep yourself and others around you safe and sound.

Keep Your Home’s Entrances Visible

Evaluate your home for any hiding spots near windows or doors that could give a criminal cover while trying to break in. If necessary, move your car or trim your bushes to improve visibility. Motion-sensitive lights are excellent for keeping your home’s entrances in view at night.

Protecting your home from intruders requires an attitude of practicality and carefulness, but it is not difficult or even necessarily expensive. Awareness of what’s going on around you as well as how much information you share are key components of good security.

Rachelle Wilber

Rachelle Wilber is a freelance writer living in the San Diego, California area.

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