5 Things Not to Forget When Moving Into a Shared Apartment with Friends

Sharing an apartment with friends might seem like the perfect scenario. After all, it gives you the chance to save on rent and enjoy time with appreciated companions on a regular basis. However, sharing an apartment with friends can come with its own sort of challenges. It’s important to start off on the right foot.

New pet peeves are sure to make an appearance and it is so much better to try and avoid as many arguments and frustrating moments as possible. Here are five things not to forget when moving into a shared apartment with friends.

1. Difference lifestyles

Do you enjoy waking up at the crack of dawn and blasting rock music to pump yourself up for the day ahead? That might’ve been fine when you were living alone, but things change when you have roommates. Even if you and your roommates are the best of friends, you have to reconcile the fact that some of your habits might have to be tossed aside in order to have a harmonious living environment.

2. Sharing bills

While splitting rent allows you the opportunity to reduce how much you spend on bills, you still need to be up to date on which bills are due when, and make sure everyone is paying their fair share, from internet and cable with companies like TruVista to electricity to water.

Fighting over the bills is something you want to avoid, so make sure you communicate with your roommates how each of you can divide the cost. Once you do this, you can definitely save money and time.

3. Handling guests

An apartment can feel crowded with as few as three people inside it. If one of your friends is always bringing guests over, it can create some strife. After all, if there’s someone ostensibly living in your apartment rent-free, it can make you understandably angry. Make sure there’s an agreed policy in place for handling these situations.

4. Cleanliness standards

You might think you’re fairly clean but be shocked by how much your roommates disagree. If a roommate brings up something not being clean to their standards, it’s important to not get defensive. Consider what they said and determine if it’s valid as a criticism. Discuss things with them civilly if you disagree.

5. Give each other space

Moving into a shared apartment doesn’t have to ruin a friendship. It can instead give you the opportunity to strengthen your friendship by giving yourselves more time to spend together and learn about one another. However, you should work to not be overbearing. Give space to your friends as roommates and you’ll be able to cherish the relationship even more.

We hope these tips help for moving into s shared apartment with friends. It can be an incredibly fun experience, but you need to be level-headed and communicate well. I you don’t, you will only cause more frustration within you and yourself.

Honest communication and respecting each other’s space will help make the overall experience better and less stressful. By following these tips, you can have a great experience sharing an apartment with friends.

Meghan Belnap

I'm a freelance writer who enjoys spending time with her family. I love being in the outdoors and exploring new opportunities whenever they arise.

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