5 Things to Add to Your Gym Bag in 2021

With the nation starting to open up again, many people are ready to hit the gym to get back into shape and lose that COVID-19 weight. One of the first things that you will need to do is to gather all of your workout essentials for your gym bag. You will get the most out of your fitness plan if you bring along everything that you need for success. Here are five essentials to pack in your gym bag.

Workout Wear and Gear

Depending on when you hit the gym, you will need to pack along clothes to change into before or after. For example, if you visit the gym after your day at the office, you will need to pack along a set of workout wear and appropriate footwear. If you are exercising in the morning, it is better to wear your workout gear to the gym and pack your work clothes in your bag. Packing your clothes the night before will make it more likely that you do not forget anything important because you are in a rush.

Be sure to think of the little things that you will need for each change of clothes. Will you want jewelry and accessories for your professional clothes? Will you need hair bands if you are coming straight from work? Keeping extras of these items in your bag will ensure that you are not left in a bind.

Personal Hygiene Items

If you are working up a sweat, you are going to want a stash of personal hygiene items in your gym bag. Most gym facilities provide shampoo and shower gel for your use. However, some people prefer to use their own personal items.

If you do not have time to shower, it is a good idea to keep deodorant in your bag to freshen up after your workout. Body wipes are also an invaluable product to keep in your bag for those times that you are not able to shower after your sweat session. Other personal hygiene items to keep in your bag include hair products and cosmetics.

Snacks, Water Bottle, and Supplements

Do not forget to take care of your body’s physical needs prior to, during, and after your workout session. Keeping an empty water bottle in your gym bag will ensure that you always have something to fill when you arrive at the gym. It is also a great idea to keep non-perishable snacks in your bag. Some of the most portable and nourishing snacks include beef jerky, protein bars, and dried fruit.

In addition to food and drinks, many savvy fitness enthusiasts find supplements incredibly helpful in helping them to leverage their workout for the most benefits. A woman’s pre-workout drink will deliver the energy that you need to power you through your workout. Simply pack the powder in your bag and mix it with water when you are ready to nourish your body.

Entertainment Options

There is no doubt that it can get boring running on the treadmill or using a stationary bike. You can combat this monotony by packing entertainment options.

A solid pair of headphones will enable you to listen to your favorite tunes. Simply plug them into your smartphone or into the gym’s cardio theater. Other good options for slower exercises are a good book or a magazine. The goal is to keep you engaged so that you are not tempted to bail out just because you are bored.

Miscellaneous Items

Depending on your workout needs, you may need to pack some miscellaneous odds and ends. Some items that workout gurus find helpful to include are specific gear for classes, such as a yoga mat, swimming goggles, or weightlifting gloves.

You may also find it helpful to pack shower flip-flops. Depending on what your gym provides to its members, you may also need a hairdryer. It may take a few times at the gym to figure out what items will be most helpful to you in this fitness journey.

You will boost your odds of a great workout if you arrive with everything that you need. Be sure to take a regular inventory of your gym bag so that you can replenish your supplies as needed.



Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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