5 Things You Can Do To Keep Cool During Summer

There’s nothing worse than having your air conditioner break down on the hottest days of summer. Unfortunately, unexpected breakdowns do happen. You’ll want to look for quality air conditioning repair Ottawa as soon as you’re able to do so. However, there are some steps you can take in the meantime. Here are five things you can do to keep cool during the summer.

1. Use Fans

While your air conditioner is out of commission, you’ll want to take full advantage of the fans you own. You may even want to borrow or buy additional fans to help circulate the air in your home. Ceiling fans are great for pushing air further, but portable fans will do if that’s all you have. You can enhance your fan’s effectiveness by placing a container of ice in front of it. This further cools the air. Strategic placement is also helpful. Adding a box fan across from an open window can create a cross breeze.

2. Don’t Use the Stove or Oven

This is the time to get creative with your cooking methods. Using the stove or oven will simply amp up the heat in your house and add humidity to the air. Instead, find alternatives that don’t use direct heat. A crockpot, pressure cooker, or air fryer can be used to prepare tasty meals. 


Simpler options like salads and sandwiches could also fit the bill. They’re easy, and you can use paper plates. This saves water and effort so that you don’t have to do the dishes afterward. Head outside to have a cookout on the barbecue if you have one. A bonus to this idea is that you can turn it into a small outdoor gathering of friends. Make it a potluck, and you’ll have even less cooking to do. You’ll be glad you avoided heating your home with conventional cooking methods.

3. Draw the Curtains

Shutting your curtains and blinds during the hottest part of the day is an excellent way to keep the heat out and save energy costs. Incoming sunlight through your windows will build up in the house, causing it to be hotter. The heat of the sun can even absorb into your furnishings and walls, allowing the heat to build up as well. Shutting out the light in any way you can help, but blackout curtains do the job most efficiently. Another trick is to dampen your curtains with water or hang a wet sheet in front of your window. This causes the water to evaporate as the air coming in from the window passes over it and can cool your room quite a bit.

4. Stay Downstairs

If you live in a multi-level home, a simple tip to stay cool is to hang out downstairs. You probably know that heat rises, so it makes sense to stay closer to the ground. The basement is ideal if you have one. It will be far cooler beneath ground level.

5. Seek Cold Items

Another approach is to find ways to cool your body rather than seeking to cool your home. Place ice packs on your forehead. Drink cold water or whip up fruity smoothies. Take a cold shower if you’re feeling overheated. A trick that may sound odd is to eat spicy foods. Spicy stuff causes you to sweat. When the air hits your damp skin, it offers a cooling effect.


Keep these tips in mind to stay cool this summer if your air conditioner breaks down or if you don’t have one. The summer heat doesn’t have to be unbearable if you take some creative and straightforward measures to cool things down.

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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