5 Tips on Making Moving Easier on You and Your Kids

Moving can be emotionally, physically, and financially taxing, especially when there are kids involved. Between switching schools, saying goodbye to friends, and adjusting to life in a new house or city, children often bear most of the emotional burden of a move. While saying goodbye to home is never easy, there are several steps you can take to make moving easier on your kids.

Let Your Kids Know Immediately

It can be tempting to postpone the news to spare you a few weeks of questions, complaints, and tears, but your kids will be better off the sooner they know they are moving. This gives them time to start saying goodbye, make last-minute plans with their friends, and inform their teachers that they will be moving away. Moving can trigger grief and feelings of loss, so allowing your kids enough time to process these tough emotions can help alleviate stress for the entire family.

Hire a Real Estate Agent

Real estate agents are seasoned and knowledgeable in their field. While you probably have a checklist in mind of all the things you want in a home, your real estate agent knows which issues are deal-breakers when buying a home. Things like faulty furnaces and mold are a no go. Agents are trained to negotiate the best price for you, and they can help you understand and complete paperwork.

Include Kids in the Moving Process

Getting kids involved with the moving process can help alleviate any uncertainty and worry they may be feeling. Let them pack boxes if they are old enough. Tell them what day you will be moving so they can let their friends know. You may even let them invite their friends over to help them pack. This can be a great opportunity for them to give unwanted toys and clothes to their friends.

Stay on Schedule

While you may have to adjust morning and bedtime routines during the move, try to stay on schedule as much as possible. Routine feels safe for kids, even if they don’t particularly enjoy going to bed at eight. Try to keep their bedroom intact until the last minute so that they feel safe at night. Familiarity will keep anxiety at bay.

Accept the Bad

Tantrums and tears are bound to happen. There will be days when your kids will refuse to pack anything. They may cry hard on their last day at school. Expect negative feelings to arise and be there as a shoulder to cry on. This is one of the reasons why it is important to let them know as soon as possible. If your kid is having a rough day, let them off the hook from packing and let them process their feelings.

Moving will always come with difficulties for both parents and children. However, being straightforward with your kids and involving them in the moving process, staying on schedule, and hiring an expert can help you get through this stressful times with fewer hiccups. After you settle in, you’ll be glad you took the time to do things right.

Lizzie Weakley

Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. In her free time, she enjoys writing, watching sports, the outdoors, and long walks in the park with her husky Snowball.

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