5 Ways to Keep Your Family Healthy and Happy

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As the head of your household, it falls on you to ensure everyone in your family is engaging in activities that promote good mental and physical health. While this is a big responsibility, it’s not quite as complicated as it may seem at first. There are many ways you can ensure everyone’s health and happiness without making your life seem like a chore. Here are a few ways you can easily improve everyone’s health in the home.

Adopt Healthier Eating Practices

If you have failed in getting your family to adopt a healthier diet, you should know that you’re not alone. In fact, even individuals who want to eat healthier find it challenging to make drastic changes. Making dietary changes to improve your family’s health doesn’t have to involve making big sacrifices, such as cutting out every ounce of added sugar at once. Instead, make small substitutions, such as serving frozen berries instead of ice cream. Replace white bread with whole-grain products. Making smart substitutions can help your family eat healthier without making them feel like they’re missing something from their normal routines. Even snacks can be healthier by buying nuts, seeds, and dried fruit instead of potato chips, popcorn, and candy.

Exercise Together Each Night

Regardless of their ages, everyone in your family should be getting a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate to high-intensity physical activity each night. This doesn’t mean you have to force your family to hit the gym every evening, but you should be doing something together as a family. You can go for a bicycle ride, go for a swim, or play a game of basketball at a nearby park. In fact, you should look for different ideas to keep some diversity in your exercise routine. Engaging in a few different activities each week will help keep everyone interested in exercise, while also helping to strengthen a variety of different muscle groups throughout the body.

Keep the Home Environment Healthy

The air your family breathes can affect their respiratory and cardiovascular health as well as affecting overall mental health. You can keep everyone healthier by ensuring there’s proper air circulation throughout the home. Use fans, open windows, and the AC system to keep air flowing consistently. Additionally, you can use a smoke eater or another type of air purifier to keep cigarette smoke, pollen, pet dander, and other allergens at a minimum in the home. It’s also a good idea to vacuum and mop the floors, launder bedding and curtains, and dust the furniture consistently to keep the home free of allergens and pests.

Keep Stress Levels Low

You should also make sure your family is alleviating stress consistently to prevent it from building up and causing other health problems. As a parent, you may not realize that children of any age can suffer from chronic stress, and they may feel more stress than adults in some situations. If there’s a specific problem that’s causing stress, work together as a family to resolve the issue. Additionally, look for relaxing activities that your family can do together. This can involve meditating, practicing yoga, playing board games together, or engaging in some other activity that everyone finds relaxing.

Get Better Sleep

Sleep is essential to both mental and physical health, so you should check in on your loved ones to ensure they are all sleeping well. They may need a new mattress and firmer pillows if they are not sleeping well throughout the night. You should also consider replacing old or scratchy blankets and sheets with silk or satin products. Through the night, keep the home between 60 and 70 degrees to provide an ideal environment for sleep. Other things that can create a better sleep environment include wearing eye masks and earplugs. If someone in your family is still having trouble getting a full night of restful sleep, they should consult a doctor about the problem. He may prescribe a sleep supplement as a temporary solution.

The best way to ensure everyone in your family is going along with your health-conscious practices is to let them get involved. Include your spouse and children in the decision-making process, and be sure to listen to their ideas. They may surprise you with how willing they are to live healthier lifestyles when they feel included in making wiser choices for the family.

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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