5 Ways You Can Do More for Charity

Image Source: Pexels.com

You may want to find your own ways to fight hunger or to help out those who are less fortunate in your own community. It can be difficult to think of ways to be charitable, however, especially when you are not sure of the needs that exist in your community. Thankfully, below, a list has been created detailing five ways that you can get more involved in charity so that you can make an impact on the world.

1. Donate Your Time

The first way to directly get involved in charity is to donate your time and volunteer with an organization that means a lot to you. You can help to organize and serve at events in your community such as food drives or clothing drives at the local park. You can also apply to volunteer to be on the board of your favorite nonprofit so that you can give direct input as to how this charity can make a difference. Even if you only devote a couple or a few hours per month, you can make a large impact on your community.

2. Give Money

Every nonprofit and every charity is unable to operate without donations of money and even goods. For this point, however, the focus will be on the money, which is one of the things that these charities need the most in your community. Most charities allow you to place a donation right on their website, but if not, simply mail in a check or call in telling how much you want to give. Consider giving every month too instead of once a year as this can make a much larger input as there will always be a cash flow.

3. Fix Hunger

If you want to donate goods specifically, one of the most needed is hunger. You may look up to some of the most charitable people in the world like Claire Babineaux-Fontenot, who is the CEO of the nonprofit known as Feeding America. There are millions of individuals who are living in poverty or are homeless across the United States alone, and many do not know where their next meal will come from. This is why charities such as food banks and Feeding America have come up which allow these impoverished individuals to have meals. In order to serve this food, however, there has to be a donation, and there have to be volunteers who can help distribute it to the individuals who need it.

4. Go Through Your Belongings

Many of these same impoverished individuals are not sure how they can afford their clothing and even basic necessities like toilet paper or hygiene products. Go through your home and see if you have any gently used clothes that you can donate to a charity of your choice. You can also look to see if you have any unopened hygiene materials laying around anywhere that someone may be able to use. Try to go through one room of your home at a time and do not just automatically throw something away that you think someone could use.

5. Use What You Know

The final way you can do more for charity is by using what you know and the skillsets you have. Some charities, for instance, may be looking for individuals who are experts in the IT industry to set up computers and complete online tasks. Other charities may be looking for someone who can design marketing information for them so that they can receive donations. Still, others even may be looking for someone who can provide research on the needs in your area so they can learn the best ways to meet those needs.

There are charities in almost every town throughout the United States. These charities are not possible without monetary and physical donations and without volunteers who can give their time and skillset to help operations run smoothly. You can easily get more involved with any charity by using any of the five tips listed above, whether you help give IT help or whether you donate clothes and food. Start contacting those charities whose values align with yours in your community so that you can make an impact together.

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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