7 Safety Tips For Construction Crane Operators

Even though it might look as a pretty simple job, operating any type of crane involves high risk at all times. A single fault may result in multiple casualties. Overhead crane operators are in charge of moving some of the heaviest and largest materials by using crane in the industry. The risk involved and the chances of an accident are high. Thus, it is necessary to follow some basic safety rules to ensure lower risk of any major mishap.

  • Mind the high-tension lines – Electricity is a major risk while operating crane in areas with high tension electricity lines passing through overhead poles. Any contact of any metal part of the crane with any high tension line has the potential to instantly kill the person in touch with the crane, which is the overhead crane operator in most case. However, remember that there is water and other metals in the vicinity as well. This single contact can kill multiple people in the area at the same time. So, while operating the overhead crane, always keep an eye out for these high tension lines. Steer clear of such area or operate with caution.
  • Do not overload – Never ever try to go beyond the prescribed capacity limit of the crane. There is always a safety margin that is calculated at the time of manufacturing of the crane. This should not be crossed at any cost. Many accidents happen because the crane was loaded beyond the prescribed limit. The crane operator should know the limits and ensure that these are adhered to.
  • Crane safety training – You should learn the proper crane safety lessons before operating it for construction, industrial and Warehousing sights. White card training facility is provided for construction induction training so you can do work safely and securely at the construction zones.
  • Secure the load properly – It is essential that the load is secured properly to the crane. Materials falling from the crane while being operated can cause major accidents. Just one material falling can take away the lives of numerous people working in the area. It can severely maim or injure many more. The crane operator should ensure that the material is fastened well. The person should also maintain eye contact with the material for the entire duration of transporting it.
  • Clear the load of any obstruction – Overhead cranes will hoist the load vertically and then move it horizontally. There should not be anything attached to the material during this operation.
  • Check before dropping – Even though the drop site should be cleared of everything, as a crane operator make it a point to check the place where you will be unloading the load from the crane.
  • Maintain the hoist – The hoist has the capability to lift and carry a certain weight. However, it is subject to wear and tear. Regular maintenance will make sure that the hoist is not compromised and lives are not put to risk.
  • Inform other workers of the risks – The risks involved are high. Informing every one of the risks and the safety precautions will prevent major accidents during operation.

Rudyard Kipling

I am a tech reviewer, blogger, and full-time writer as well. I love to write about the latest tech gadgets, social issues, and parenting. I am a foodie, surfer, and book reader.