Has One of Your Loved Ones Been in an Accident?

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports more than 3.23 million car accidents in the U.S. in 2016. Of these accidents, more than 34,000 were fatal, causing the deaths of more than 37,000 people. Speeding and alcohol, as well as distracted driving, are the biggest causes of crashes on the highway. These accidents devastate families and cause damage that can take years to repair. It tallies more than $260 billion in damage and injuries every single year.


Help for an Injured Loved One

Your loved one is dealing with a lot after an accident. It is important that you provide them with as much support as possible during this difficult time. Provide a shoulder for them to lean on; to cry on, if it is needed. Be there with an ear to listen and always make sure that you let this person know they are not alone. Since an accident causes injuries that turn lives upside down, it is possible that your loved one could use a helping hand around the house, with errands, or something else at this time. Be there to offer them a helping hand in any way that you can. That is what family is for, after all. Additionally, ensure your loved one schedules a consultation with a car accident lawyer quickly. There are time limits in place that allow you to file a lawsuit only within this time period. Once this time elapses, it is too late for your loved one to get what they’re rightfully owed.


Why Talk to an Accident Attorney?

Car accident attorneys represent clients who’ve been injured in a no-fault accident. Attorneys prepare their clients for their day in court, should it come down to that, but always ensure that justice is served. Financial compensation cannot change the accident or the aftermath, but it can make the person whole once again and provide a bit of a light at the end of the tunnel. When an attorney is fighting for your loved one, they’ll have more peace of mind and the time to focus on their recovery. That is what is important at this time. Attorneys take much of the pressure from the shoulders of the injured party and ensure they gain the guidance necessary to win should the matter go to court. The lawyer fights for justice and what’s right. In turn, your loved one can recoup the maximum possible compensation for their injuries, as well as money for lost wages, medical bills, pain and suffering, and more.


No Money Needed

Car accident attorneys understand the ordeal their clients have been through after a car accident and want to do everything possible to ease those hardships that now exist. Along with the free consultation, attorneys offer contingency based work if it is determined the case is suitable for a lawsuit. Contingency cases require no money to start the case. In fact, the attorney receives money only if and when he wins the case for this client. The lawyer fees are deducted from the award amount. This helps many clients take action who would have otherwise been unable to get the justice they deserve. Money should not stand in the way of justice and thanks to contingency-based work, that is no longer a worry.


Final Thoughts

It is devastating to see a loved one dealing with the effects of a car accident, but there are numerous ways to help them in this time of need. Use the information above to provide that helping hand. And, most importantly, ensure that you loved one talks to an attorney at once!


Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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