5 Tips To Prevent Break-Ins and Increase Home Security


Home break-ins are extremely common; a home burglary happens almost every 18 seconds in the United States, which adds up to almost 5000 burglaries a day. Not only is this dangerous for people that are home but replacing what is stolen can add up fast. And if a burglar takes laptops, cameras or computers, information is lost that can never be replaced. Securing your belongings, peace of mind and even your life is easier if you take measures to prevent break-ins from occurring in the first place. Here are 5 tips on how to prevent break-ins:


  1. Get a Dog

Studies time and again have shown that burglars are much less likely to break into a house with a dog present. They are unpredictable and may attack unlike a simple lock on a door. The dog typically doesn’t even have to big or scary; little dogs can be aggressive and make a lot of noise that the burglar is trying to avoid. A burglar is much more likely to choose the house next door with no dog than take the risk of giving themselves away.


  1. Program Lights and Alarms

Most burglaries happen between 10am and 3pm which is when most people are at work. Having security cameras and alarms installed will discourage most people from attempting a break-in. Home automation may be a solution for you if you are away from home often. You can program security cameras and survey them from the internet, you can program lights to come on at certain times and even lock your house remotely. This is also a great extra measure if you and your family are home during a burglary. The alarm will give you a heads up and a head start.


  1. Maintain Your Yard

Potential thieves pay more attention to houses that have unkempt yards with multiple newspapers and full mailboxes. It’s a sign that the occupant is on vacation or rarely home which makes their house an easier target. By mowing the lawn, trimming the hedges and taking out the garbage cans regularly will discourage burglars from targeting your house. If you are away a lot or plan on going on vacation, consider paying a house sitter to do these things for you. Additionally, you can employ some strategic landscaping to discourage potential thieves like planting cacti or rose bushes under windows. No thief is going to crawl through cactus to get at your valuables.


  1. Don’t Talk About Your Schedule

While going on vacation is exciting and fun, try not to talk about it before you leave or divulge any departure dates. This includes sharing it on social media which can easily be seen by thieves in your area. Share when you return and your house will be a lot safer. Also, be wary of telemarketers and door-to-door salesmen. While many of these individuals are upstanding folks who just want to make a living, some are unscrupulous thieves who are looking for information about your schedule. If they ask questions about when is a good time to reach you, do not offer your schedule in case they are a burglar in disguise. While this may seem excessive, it is better to disappoint the bug exterminator than provide an opportunity for a would-be burglar.


  1. Be Mindful of Locks and Windows

A good amount of burglars enter the home through the front door or an unlocked window. Discourage opportunistic thieves by keeping all doors and windows locked when you leave and even if you are at home watching television. Many burglars are looking for easy targets that won’t take much time in case there is an active neighborhood watch or other security measure. They won’t want to fiddle with locked doors or break a window if they don’t have to.


Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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