A Guide to Attracting Potential New SEO Clients

These days, businesses are looking for a way to improve their marketing strategy and boost their business. With so much competition in every sector of business, it can be so hard to stand out. With more and more people looking for online marketing solutions, opportunities for SEO engineers have never been better. There are many online marketing tools available to business, and whilst all can provide major benefits, you need to show potential new clients that the best results come through Search Engine (SEO). SEO can be quite complex for people to understand so it’s very important to explain the range of tools that are available to ensure that a business’s websites get as much web traffic as possible. This article will explain how to attract potential new SEO clients and what SEO strategies you should offer.



  • SEO Proposal


The first thing you will need to do to attract a potential new SEO client is to produce an SEO proposal for their business. This is like a plan of action that explains to a potential client exactly how you intend to boost their business through search SEO strategies. 

When pitching to potential clients, you are offering them your services, so it is very important that they fully understand exactly what services they require and why you are the best SEO engineer or SEO company for the job. SEO proposals do not have to be overly technical, and if you don’t have a template to use, you can get one from SEOJet who are experts in SEO strategy. According to the pros, a good SEO proposal starts with the logo of the potential client’s business at the top. This straight away shows that you are offering personalized service and will reassure potential clients that they will have your full attention and best efforts if they hire you to do their SEO. 

Your SEO proposal should lay out the basics of your strategy for their business and the key areas that you are going to focus on. Do not get into too much technical detail in your proposal as it could overwhelm potential clients, and you run the risk of losing them. 


  • Explain the Main On-site Strategies of SEO


The reason that most potential clients are looking for someone to help with their digital marketing strategy is that they don’t have the necessary knowledge or expertise to do it in-house. Do not take for granted that your potential client will know anything about SEO techniques. After your SEO proposal for their business has succeeded in selling your expertise, it is now important to bring them up to scratch on exactly what you can offer them in a way that they can relate to what they know about their own business websites and those of their competitors.


  • Technical Search Engine Optimization


The first SEO strategy that you will need to implement for clients is a comprehensive Technical SEO. This serves many purposes, but the first one is ensuring that search engines can scan your client’s website to understand what it is about and rank it accordingly. Without technical SEO your client’s website could be disregarded entirely by the search engine algorithms, which would mean that nothing else you do to optimize your website would even matter. Additionally, Technical SEO ensures that your client’s website is fit for purpose. Everybody has had an experience of websites that load slowly or jump randomly when you scroll down. Show your potential client the issues that their website has that are likely to frustrate users. Explain exactly the changes that you plan to make and how this will solve the issues. You can show some before and after examples of websites that you have previously engineered to demonstrate the necessity of technical SEO.


  • Content Search Engine Optimization


Your potential clients need to understand why in SEO terms, content is king. Most of the small businesses will write the content for their website themselves. Whilst it may be perfectly written and portray their business perfectly, it is ineffective in search engine result page rankings. Potential new clients like to be involved in the process, and especially at the start, you can work with them to show how you intend to boost their website’s position in the rankings. Show them the websites of their competitors and explain what is good about them and where improvements could be made. Explain the keywords and phrases that are most important to implement into their content and show them your analysis of where best to include them within their content.


  • Explain Off-site SEO Strategies


Off-site is so effective for increasing web traffic to your client’s website through backlinks. Show potential clients’ other websites that you have engineered and how you built links to boost their business. It is exciting to see your business being linked or cited on other people’s websites and blogs, so clients always respond well to off-site SEO strategies. If one of your potential client’s main competitors is using off-site SEO effectively, explain why their links are effective and how your backlink strategy will help your potential client to compete with their competition and ultimately leap above them in search engine results pages. It is imperative to explain that off-site SEO, as well as all the other SEO strategies that you intend to implement, will need to be evolved and updated continuously. In that way, you can build a lasting relationship with a client and ensure that they stay at the top of their field.

Ensuring that a business’s website ranks highly in search engine results pages may be a lot more important than potential clients realize. To get new SEO clients, it is, therefore, essential to explain exactly why it is important and what you plan to do to ensure that they are at the top of the rankings. Start with a well-planned SEO proposal and follow up with a detailed SEO strategy that utilizes every available avenue for boosting a potential client’s business. Use your past work to show you have a track record of success and you can start to build a relationship with a brand new SEO client which will be very beneficial for both parties.

Shubhi Gupta

Shubhi Gupta is a freelance author and writes for a variety of online publications. She actively writes blogs and articles and very fond of writing content on different topics.

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