Architectural Photography 101:The Basics of Creating Magic when Architecture Meets Photography!

Planning on taking architectural photographs without professional help? No problem! But, do you know how it is done? We mean to ask — do you know about all the intricate details?! If you do, good for you! But, chances are — you have no idea! Do you really want to risk it all for just some brownie points (you cannot be sure about winning them either!)?!

Look for the best architectural photographers from Jody D’Arcy. These types of agencies have some of the most amazing photographers, who focus on architecture. They have the power to bring together photography and architecture to create magical shots! But, if you are still hell-bent on completing the architectural photography project all by yourself, then we will help you with some details!

What are the Basic Classifications of Architectural Photography?

Architectural photography is a vast subject! It is a single phrase that describes a huge variety of architectural photography branches. You will need to know all of them to work efficiently in this field of work. So, here goes! We will hopefully be able to help you become a good architectural photographer! It is quite a difficult job, but at least you will know some crucial points of architectural photography.

Here are the two types of architectural photography:

  1. Exterior architectural photography: When you are taking pictures of the exterior, you get to use the exterior light source for your shots, like sunlight, street lamps and more. If you have seen exterior architectural photography shots, you will be able to see an interesting technique of using the shots with a good landscape around the property. So, you will need to do the same! Angle and frame the shots to complement the surroundings.
  2. Interior architectural photography: In this method, you will have to find a way of utilizing ambient light from the street through an open window, or turn on artificial light source! Photography studio, interior design or not, you will need to light it up! You may even have to utilize the flash. This is a reason that many people call it controlled photography. This may be a reason for using wide-lens for the interior shots. These have twin benefits on the picture; they capture space and aesthetic elements.

Do you want to see crime scene pictures or aesthetically enhanced pictures? The professionals are willing to share some tips with you to reduce the chances of a staged look for your shots. These tips will help to get top shots. The tips include:

  • Always use wide angle lens. This is completely crucial for exterior and interior shots. Wide apertures can also be added. These points help create an atmosphere which accentuates the picture.
  • Use the wide-angle lens in such a way that even the smallest rooms look huge.
  •  Try to shoot the images in a way that even a flaw looks mesmerizing! Create a story around the flaw or accentuate it with the other aesthetic elements in the room.
  • If you do not want the pictures to look gloomy and dark, make sure to run a rain check. The day for the photo shoot needs to be sunny and bright.
  • Click as many shots that are possible to shoot. You can later sift through the lot and pick the best.

Do you really think that it is possible in a faintest way to take care of so many factors, without proper training? You do, if you are a professional architectural photographer, of course! But, you have other tasks to complete for your business or sale of property. Let the professional take care of the photographs; and you take care of how to use the pictures to your advantage! This will form a fool-proof plan for ultimate success!


Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a successful business woman who has a great interest in diverse subjects. She has learned a lot at the hands of every experience – good or bad.

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