Bright Tricks to Clean and Maintain Outdoor Rugs

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Australia has one of the most favourable weather conditions. Summers in the country are relatively warm, while winters are often short and clear. Because of this, homeowners in the country can build outdoor spaces for relaxing and recreation. These spaces can also serve as an additional space to welcome guests. But to make your patio or backyard homier and accommodating, you can invest in outdoor rugs in Australia to make the area prettier.

However, most homeowners tend to neglect their outdoor rugs over time. Since it is one of the most used and abused fixtures in your outdoor space, you must properly care for your rugs to keep them in pristine condition. Here are several secrets to keep your outdoor rugs clean and presentable for years to come.

Consider the Material

The material of your rug will determine the best process for cleaning it. There are numerous types of materials used by rug manufacturers in Australia, including:

  • Bamboo
  • Acrylic
  • Nylon
  • Polypropylene
  • Polyester
  • Sisal

These outdoor rug materials have their own set of advantages. Since the rugs are meant to stay outdoors, you must not expect them to remain as luxurious as your indoor rugs since the materials are more durable to withstand the Australian weather.

If you invest in outdoor rugs designed with synthetic materials, you may expect to get products that are lightweight and brighter in colour. Moreover, these rugs can thrive in the rain and dry easily. Meanwhile, natural rugs are usually tougher and have better texture. However, you must not expose it to too much moisture.

Learn the Best Cleaning Methods

Cleaning your outdoor rugs in Australia requires some effort for proper maintenance. Therefore, it is an important process to avoid the buildup of dirt and mildew.

Some of the outdoor rug cleaning techniques that you must always remember include:

Disinfection – Moulds, mildew, and algae accumulated by your outdoor rug are easy to remove using diluted bleach or vinegar. However, you must always remember to keep in mind that you must never combine bleach and vinegar.

Use a Blotting Motion – Whatever your cleaning mixture is, you must only use a blotting technique to remove stains on your outdoor rugs. Scrubbing can only push the stains further into the rug, making it more challenging to get rid of the stains from the fabric.

Utilize Your Garden Hose – Spray off the outdoor rug using a garden hose to remove larger dirt immediately. It will also help hand dry your rug to ensure that all excess moisture is removed if the weather permits.

Use Spot Treatment – If the rug has some hard-to-remove stains, you must have it spot cleaned right away. You may use warm soapy water and other gentle cleaners to get rid of the stains. But, again, you need to hang it out to dry. Sun-drying your rugs and other laundry can help them avoid accumulating mildew.

It is also best to check out the manufacturer’s care instructions to ensure that you can keep the rug’s condition clean for as long as possible.

Taking care of an outdoor rug is very important if you want to enjoy its beauty and function for a long time. By following all these rug cleaning tips, you can ensure that you will not need to buy new rugs all the time. Thus it can help you save a significant amount of money.

Cristy Venus

I worked in sales for 20 years, learning the positive aspects of people and how to learn from their experiences. I like writing articles, exploring tech, eating and travelling.