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Four Recent Innovations In Furniture Aesthetics

The furnishings of our homes evolve with us over time – this is also to say that they age with us; nevertheless, with so many advances in contemporary furniture, there is never a wrong time to upgrade the provisions of one’s living quarters. Indeed, the right pieces within a well-curated space not only giving us beautiful home in which we can live out our days comfortably, but allow us to do so in a stylish manner. But, in addition to aesthetics and comfort, there are many added elements of functionality that have come into our homes with the advent of new designs. These four trends in furniture aesthetics reflect the importance of innovation in our lives, as well as a push for a brighter, greener future on our planet.

1. The Advent Of Space Saving Options

Current trends in houses have emphasized “tiny homes” in which every inch of space counts, such that all of it is effectively utilized and every piece of furniture has a purpose, or several purposes. Still, it is possible to emphasize everything elegant and convenient about traditional furniture while maintaining the minimalism of contemporary style. Improved technology and creative thinking has led designers to add extra joints and pieces to traditionally cumbersome items like tables, sectionals, and sofas and, as a result, instead of having a single large piece taking up space, for instance, owners can mix and match smaller pieces into a larger whole, or fold a balcony table down when not in use to maximize every inch – this is especially true of sofa beds and other tactile furnishings; no doubt, there is a huge collection of modern and traditional furniture that offers a lot of flexibility when it comes to organizational aspects of one’s home.

2. Live Edge Design

Visit any store offering modern furniture and you will probably find a huge collection of “live edge” design. When treated right, natural wood is one of the most durable of all materials, and the live edge aesthetic emphasizes the preservation of the rough appearance of wood in its unprocessed state. When placed inside the home, viewers will have their eyes immediately drawn to the natural edges allowed to shine through the craftsmanship of the table, chair, bedposts, or pretty much any other furniture made out of wood.

3. Using Recycled Materials

Many companies will brand their products as “recyclable” but unless they are made out of one or two materials at most, and easily disassembled, it will probably cost too much to recycle and be thrown out. Eco-friendly furniture, therefore, should be easy to repair, and easily broken down into its parts. This is a major design trend as people want to purchase products that do something right by the environment. Many companies will design and build items that are truly recyclable and like-minded retailers stock a huge collection.

4. Biodegradable Materials

While recycling helps the environment, the use of earth-friendly materials helps even more. This design trend focuses on doing right by the Earth the first time around. Green companies are using materials such as BioPlush Soybean oils instead of petroleum oil for cushions, and there is some speculation that grasses and plants can be incorporated into the construction of new things which go beyond both modern and traditional furniture.

In short, there are several innovations that couple aesthetics with functionality, in multiple senses of the word. Be it the purpose of organizing your home’s ecology or saving our planet’s ecology at large, there is a piece of modern furniture that will work to satisfy your needs and work to your advantage.

Aisha Olson

I am a Blogger living in the Edmonton, AB area. I am a graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree in journalism and media studies.

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