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Garden Start-Up: List of Easy Plants To Grow In Your Home Garden

Planting is a leisure activity that you can do even at home. You do not have to own any professional license to enjoy planting. Moreover, you can start your garden and grow the plants that you like! Keep in mind that not every plant can grow everywhere. It will help if you know which plants are easy to grow and look for ways to care for them.

Furthermore, there are lots of varieties of plants you can choose from.

To start, here are a few plants that you can consider growing

Plants in this list are easy to take care of and do not need much maintenance from you.

1. Mustard Green

Mustard green is an edible plant that has broad, frilled, deep green leaves. It is a vegetable plant that you can quickly harvest from seed. Though this plant appreciates the sun, it does not thrive well in the summer heat, so it would be best to start planting them again in mid-summer. Also, they are more tolerable under the shade. They flourish well in rich, moist soil.

2. Periwinkle

If you are looking for a good ground cover plant with beautiful foliage, you can look into periwinkles. This plant has the habit of sprawling over the ground and stays short throughout its lifetime, heightening about eight to 12 inches tall. Moreover, they only need less maintenance. They can tolerate partial sun and most shades, but they will burn when exposed to direct sunlight. Also, make sure to place them in well-drained soil.

3. Cherry Tomato

If you love healthy plants and wonder which best plant to grow, you can try cherry tomatoes. It is an easy edible plant to harvest from early summer to fall. In just about 55 to 65 days, this plant will already bear fruits. Make sure to plan them to get at least eight hours of direct sun every day and with soil with an ideal drainage situation. Also, you can water them every two or three days to keep the soil moist.

4. Dianthus

Dianthus can be recognized with their cinnamon-like fragrance and pink to red hues flower. Also, their foliage sparsely spreads on thick stems, which makes them more apparent and beautiful. After the danger of frost passes, you can start planting them and make sure to plant them where they can get at least six hours of full sun. Also, they thrive best in alkaline soil with good drainage.

5. Marigolds

Marigolds are one of the plants that germinate quickly, and you can easily see the beautiful yellow flowers in just about eight weeks. This plant can be an easy choice for kids and newbies to grow for a quick sense of pride. Moreover, marigolds can tolerate most soils. Just make sure that they are well-drained soils. Also, their location must get full sun. What’s more, they will need only a little care once established.

6. Lettuce

If you love to eat salads, you should know that lettuce plants are also very easy to grow. It has different varieties to choose from. They grow well in cold weather, so it is best to plant them in the spring and fall seasons. Still, make sure that their location will receive at least six to eight hours of direct sun. In harvesting, start from the outside leaves of the plant and leave the center so you can grow more lettuce leaves in the future.

7. Sunflowers

One of the most attractive flower and attention-grabbing plants is the sunflower. It is a large flower that comes in many yellow, orange, maroon, and brown colors. Though, the most famous sunflower variety is the bright yellow petals with brown centers. Moreover, they are fast-growing flowers that are also easy to be taken care of. Better plant them in a sunny spot in well-draining soil.

8. Cosmos

Cosmos are flowering plants that reach maturity within two months. It is a daisy-like flower that would give your garden a splash of colors. You can choose to plant them in your garden area where you feel empty. Cosmos are also relatively simple and do not need much maintenance. Since they thrive well in poor to average soils, you do not have to worry about where to plant them. Just keep in mind that they must still receive full sun.

9. Pansies

Pansies are fun, colorful plants that have faces on their flowers. They have overlapping petals that form a heart shape and have the broadest range of colors. You can plant them in soil that is rich in humus and has good drainage. You can start planting them in early spring or fall, as they flourish well on cool nights and warm days of these seasons. They appreciate a moist environment, so keep in mind to water the plants during hot, dry weather.

10. Tomatoes

Tomatoes usually have red and yellow, spherical to oval fruits. They are the most popular summer plants for gardening beginners to grow. They may be easy to grow, but you must still be meticulous in how deep you need to plant them since their roots grow along with their stems. More roots mean an increase in its ability to take in water.


Once you have decided which plants to place in your garden, you can now indulge in looking for ways to care for them. As mentioned, the plants above are easy to grow. So you can instead focus on how to flourish them more. With patience and determination, you will be able to have your beautiful garden filled with plants that you love.

Emma Morre

Emma Morre, a home designer by profession. She loves to travel new places to explore its culture, food and more. She's fitness freaky as well so she design house and workouts.

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