Scratching your scalp and knowing that the cascade of white flakes would flow is among the most embarrassing thing that could happen in public. Dandruff is caused due to skin conditions such as dry scalp, eczema, psoriasis, and skin yeast cells called Malassezia. Although Malassezia is a part of the scalp the problem gets severe when the microbe starts feeding on sebum and turns into fatty acids that may irritate the skin. This may also cause dry scalp. There are numerous shampoos and hair treatment products containing zinc, ketoconazole, and salicylic acid are available in the market that claims to remove dandruff. However, these products contain a complex mixture of different chemicals that can cause further scalp conditions. Therefore, to avoid such consequences one should first try old methods of treating dandruff at home.
Tea Tree Oil:
Tea tree oil is extracted Myrtle Tree and it is among the most famous oils used in skin and hair care products these days. The tea tree essential oil is antimicrobial oil which has anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties in it. If the dandruff is caused due to fungus Malassezia globose it can be treated by using tea tree oil. Essential oils are not applied directly to skin or hair. Therefore, mix few drops of tea tree oil with olive oil and apply it twice a week for at least 20 minutes and then rinse. You will be able to notice the results after two to three washes.
Apple Cider vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar a natural astringent is used in medications to reduce the inflammation. It is acidic in nature and can be used on wounds and minor skin cuts to protect them from bacteria. Similarly, apple cider vinegar can be used to treat dandruff as it can help in removing the microbes present in your scalp. In addition to this, it can also aid in maintaining the pH level of your scalp that will further limit the growth of fungus and yeast cells. Apply apple cider vinegar into your scalp by diluting it with water in 1 :3 ratio. Avoid applying the mixture to your hair, take a cotton swab and dab the mixture to the roots of your hairs. Wash your hairs after 15 minutes.
Coconut Oil:
The benefits of coconut oil remain on everyone’s tongue which makes it lie in a super healthy oil category. Some people even use coconut oil in their diet to enjoy its magnificent health benefits. Everyone knows that applying coconut oil is good for hair growth but do you know that it can also help in treating dandruff? Coconut oil contains fatty acids such as lauric acid and capric acid that has strong antifungal properties. Applying coconut oil not just kill bacteria but it also hydrates your scalp.
Yogurt and Egg Mask:
Yogurt contains naturally alive bacteria known as probiotics that are healthy bacteria and helps to kill harmful bacteria. Yogurt also helps to exfoliate your dry skin and also moisturizes your scalp. Eggs have protein in abundance which improves hair elasticity and heal damaged hairs.
Aloe Vera:
An amazing plant that is belongs to many houses; Aloe Vera is used for its uncountable benefits for skin and hairs. It contains a wide range of vitamins such as vitamin A, E, and B12. Aloe Vera is also used to reduce inflammation as it contains several anti-inflammatory enzymes. Aloe Vera also contains selenium, zinc, and magnesium. Selenium in combination with vitamin E becomes a strong antioxidant whereas; magnesium helps in killing the toxins. Zinc is already famous material used in anti-dandruff shampoos. All these components collectively help to remove dandruff. Superstores have packed bottles of Aloe Vera gel but it is best to use freshly extracted gel. Remove the pulp from the Aloe Vera leaf, blend it well, apply it to your scalp and rinse after 30 minutes.
These were home remedies that can help you to get rid of dandruff but you can also avoid such issue by making small changes to your diet. If essential nutrients are not added to the diet it may lead to weak immune system and will lead you to catch infections easily. If you want to keep your scalp healthy try to eat foods with B vitamins, vitamin D, and zinc. Deficiency of Vitamin B12 causes dryness to your skin and deficiency of vitamin B6 leads to inflamed skin. Zinc plays role in vital functions of the body such as growth, development, and response of the immune system. By adding zinc to your diet you can avoid skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, alopecia, and seborrheic dermatitis.
Hope the above-mentioned tips will help you to remove dandruff and eliminate itchiness.