Honeymoon Planning Tips – How to Make it the Trip of a Lifetime

Planning a honeymoon should be a tradition couples get excited about, but it can also be very stressful. You spend months, even years, planning your big wedding, and it’s only natural you want your honeymoon to be memorable too. The chance to get away together to a dream destination is an opportunity too good to miss. However, on top of all the expense and stress of the wedding, you’re likely to be feeling the strain. Here are a few top tips to make sure everything goes perfectly.

Work Together

When it comes to honeymoon planning, the best thing to do is work together. One of you could take on the task all by yourself and make it a surprise, but do you know each other well enough to take such a risk? It’s far better to make it a joint effort and decide on the location together. There are so many romantic honeymoon destinations to choose from, so listening to one another’s input can help you decide. You also need to work together to agree on a budget. Before you both start day-dreaming too much, weigh up your options. With the budget decided you’ll be able to set aside money each month to cover the cost.

Nowadays many couples are choosing to have a honeymoon gift list rather than a traditional wedding registry. An increasing number of couples get married after living together for several years, so there is no longer a need for gifts such as dinner sets, bed linens and towels. Many couples would much prefer contributions to a getaway fund.

Make Plans Early

There’s nothing wrong with leaving the honeymoon arrangements until the last minute if that’s the way you both roll through life. It is worth pointing out, however, that you’re likely to get a much better deal if you plan well ahead of the big day. Ideally, give yourself six to eight months to plan the honeymoon of your dreams. If you want to go somewhere popular or experience immersive Vietnam tours, for instance, you’ll want to be certain they don’t book up early and you’re forced to go with your second choice of destination.

How Long Can You Go Away For?

Once you’ve decided on a budget, the next big decision relates to the time you’ll be away. If you’ve already taken most of your vacation time and only have a week left to spare, you will be looking at short haul destinations. When you’re able to take two weeks away and maybe more, then the world is your oyster and you can go pretty much anywhere.

As well as the time you spend away consider when you will take your honeymoon. Traditionally, you’d be jetting away to your dream honeymoon destination on the night after you said, “I do.” Don’t feel obliged to stick with this tradition as you could save money in the long run, and you’ll have something to look forward to if you go away later on in the year.

When you’re thinking about the time of year to take your honeymoon, look into the weather you can expect when you want to visit. A popular honeymoon destination is the Maldives. The best time to visit is from January to March. Likewise, another honeymooners’ favorite, the Caribbean, is better in the winter when there is less chance of rain.

Make Sure Your Documents are in Order

One or other of you may well change your names after the wedding ceremony, which means you should also change the name in your passport. This can be done in advance, but you’ll need to check the latest requirements. Allow plenty of time before you travel for your documents to be changed. Similarly, check the bookings relevant to the trip and your driving license, as you may want to pick up a rental car. If you won’t need to worry about any name changes, check your passport has at least six months left on it, as you don’t need a last dash to the passport office.

Don’t Take Google’s Word for It

One last piece of advice worth sharing is you shouldn’t rely on search engines when making such an important decision. There is a place for online research, but don’t forget there are other ways to find out about a particular destination. Do you have friends or family who have been there? Why not spend time talking to your local travel agent? Another great place to go for your research is Instagram. With the help of geotags, you’ll be able to see pictures that real people have snapped of your chosen location.

Tom Clark

I have substantial digital marketing experience & my primary focus is content writing. I have handled several design and development projects and helped businesses enjoy high ranks

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