How to Help Improve the Appearance of Your Local Parks

Area parks offer respite from the daily grind of work and household responsibilities. They are a great place for kids to play and learn about nature while providing space for adults to exercise or relax. Unfortunately, many parks lack adequate funding for maintenance and repairs as well as enhancing aesthetic appeal. Here are some things you and other residents can do to improve the appearance of parks in your community and make them more enjoyable for everyone.

Maintain a Secure Setting

Public play areas provide expansive grounds for enjoying the outdoors as well as playground equipment and picnic tables. To enhance security at the park, many parents would appreciate having chain link fencing installed to keep their children inside the designated areas and to keep potential predators out. Chain link fencing is harder to breach compared to a wooden or vinyl fencing. Petition the park about an attractive, easy to maintain fence that can surround the area and help to protect it from curious wildlife or trouble-seeking youth. One way to help in this petition is to show potential costs and benefits from the enhancement. Have a solid argument to help in proving your point.

Update the Landscaping

Volunteers might be willing to donate time to trim hedges, remove poison ivy, and plant seasonal flowers if the park’s budget does not cover those costs. Although the lawn and possibly some weeding will likely be provided by the park administration team, other types of landscaping could be donated or provided by people who are willing to put in a few hours each week to keep the park looking great as well as tidy. A local nursery might be interested in donating plants or services to upgrade the park’s look. You can also get voluntary funding to add new benches, paint existing areas, or erect statues.

Clean up the Play Areas

Neighborhood families could work together on a cleanup day for the park by organizing to rake debris from the play areas where kids typically gather. The playground equipment along with the picnic tables and restroom areas might need to be repaired, replaced, or painted. Of course, permission will be needed from park officials, but they will probably be delighted to have anyone help. Cleaning up the play areas is a great spring activity to prepare the park for extra wear during the summer months.

Maintain the Trails

Trails for hiking or biking might need to be repaved or re-graveled after a rough winter or heavy rains. Work with park personnel to get the trails back in shape and make them even more inviting for people looking to exercise or enjoy scenic views in the parklands. Consider asking to have them paved or have lines painted to make it easier for bikes and pedestrians to share the trails.

There are many things families can do to freshen the look of a community park. Check with the park officials or the county government about helping with doable tasks. Improving the look and function of a park will make it more welcoming for families looking to enjoy the great outdoors in a safe, clean place.


Dixie Somers is a freelance writer and blogger for business, home, and family niches. Dixie lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and is the proud mother of three beautiful girls.

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