How to Know if You Need an L&I Attorney

Were you recently injured in an accident? You may have trouble figuring out what to do next. One thing is for sure: You should not let this go without filing a claim. The time to do so is now while the injury is fresh. Here are some handy tips on how to know if you need an attorney to help you take legal action.

If the Injuries Are Severe, Get Help

There are many ways to know if you will need an L&I attorney to help you file your claim. One of them is if your injuries are so severe that you need immediate medical attention. If these injuries required a prolonged amount of treatment, chances are good that you are spending a ton of money that you need to be compensated for.

If this is the case, you need to hire a lawyer immediately. All of these various injuries and the treatment you receive for them are being documented. There is plenty of evidence for your lawyer to show in court. If you have no other way to get a full payout for your injuries, this will be your best bet to get the amount you deserve.

If You Are Denied Insurance Coverage

One of the worst things that can happen to you is to get denied for coverage by your insurance company. But this is an event that happens all too often. The reasons for this are many. They may claim that you waited too long to file your claim or that you filed the wrong kind of claim. They may dispute the evidence you provide for a claim.

It all boils down to the fact that insurance companies exist to take in money via the premiums that you pay. They are not so eager to pay out money when a claim is filed. They will have recourse to a wide array of tricks in order to avoid doing so. They have expert legal aid on their side which is why you will need a lawyer of your own.

If the Bills Are Piling Up

Getting the full amount of compensation that you deserve should never be a hardship. This is an area where you need to work closely with a lawyer in order to get the payout that you need to settle all of your various debts. This will a matter of high importance since these debts are sure to be piling up.

You may have had to take time off from your job in order to recover from your injury. The time may have been so long that you used up all of your various sick and vacation days. As a result, you may even have been fired from your job. Now the bills are stacking up and you have no way to meet them. This is a hardship no one should face.

You shouldn’t have to consider filing for bankruptcy because you can’t pay your bills. The smart thing to do in a situation like this is to hire a lawyer to represent your case in court. The people who caused your injuries are the ones who need to liable to pay these costs. A lawyer is the person who can help you achieve this desired result.

If You Are Being Sued

If you are being sued by the person who caused your injuries, you will definitely need legal aid. The person who was responsible for the accident may try to place the blame on you instead.

You don’t want to be the one who gets left holding the bag for an accident you were not responsible for. If it comes to a court case, you need to act promptly. An L&I lawyer will be your best bet for defense.

The Time to Hire an Attorney is Now

For all of the reasons listed above and more, you should hire an attorney as soon as possible. This is the step you will need to take in order to make sure that you will receive the full amount of compensation that you are owed. It’s also the best way to make sure you can finally settle all of your bills and regain your quality of life.


Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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