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How to save relationships from a break up?

There is no perfect relationship in our world. All couples have experienced difficulties sometimes and it’s normal. There are pairs of sweethearts that take a break to be in a clear mind and understand what they actually need. In some situations, it can be really dangerous. A lot of failed relationships went this way. Follow these steps if you want to save your relationships from a breakup.

1. Try to find the moment when everything went wrong:

Think about when the problem started and then discuss it with your partner. You can find the main reason which changed the dynamics in your relationship but usually, its too complicated to find just one reason, and for the two of you it can be totally different things. So, you should find together with your partner all the problems which are harming your relationship.

2. Decide what to do after detecting the problems:

So, when you have figured out the problem, you can fix it only if two of you really want to change the situation. If only one person makes some efforts to resolve it, it’s completely useless.

Depending on the problem with your relationship, you might choose one of 3 ways to resolve it, you can take a break, break up and try to find girls that match you better or make efforts in trying to save your relationship.

But don’t choose the easiest way too quickly, try to feel the right decision not only in your mind.

3. So, if you choose to continue a relationship with this person, you should be patient, it’s not so easy and takes some time:

It would be really good for your relationship if you try to rediscover each other and remind yourselves of why you fell in love in the first place. A good idea is to recreate your first date, maybe in your favorite restaurant? Or in the place where you met each other for the first time. It is like going back to a time when everything was good between the two of you, for sure these feelings will remind how much you loved each other and you ll make more efforts to bring these feelings back.

4. Bring something new and refresh the feelings between each other:

Find one day in your weekly schedule, which you can spend only with each other and so that no one bothers you.

Create intimacy, intimacy means not only physical but also an emotional attachment. Choose a time to tell your partner about your mental and physical needs. Discuss what you can do together to meet them. Also distribute housework. Responsive household responsibilities are equated to greater proximity.

Try something new together. Break the routine, invent something new that will make your life more exciting. You can organize a camping trip, an extreme journey to another country, jump with a parachute. All this will refresh your feelings and bring a sense of novelty.

5. Surprise your partner:

Write on a postcard how you like to spend time with him, give him a balloon in the middle of a hard working day, a bouquet of wildflowers or a box of gourmet chocolate that you can eat while watching a romantic movie. And for some it is a good gift if you tidy the garage or clean up the kitchen.

Find out what your partner wants, try to guess what can surprise him. If you have been together for a long time it shouldn’t be hard for you.
Or you can ask one of his closest friends, or some family members if they have heard something about something he might want.
You can even ask him directly, what can you do for him to make him happy? Your partner would be really glad to see this kind of attention from you.

6. Let your partner feel special:

Let him or her know that your relationship is at the top of your priorities. Think of various ways to send a signal every day: “You are the most important person to me.”

All people love it when we compliment something about their appearance. So, if your partner is wearing a nice outfit, if he got a new haircut or some other changes in appearance, say something nice to him, give him some compliment but you should be sincere and honest with him, don t use flattery. Nothing can be worse than a dishonest and fake person.

Let him know what he has done that has made a difference in your life, or if it has made things easier for you. Letting him knows that you appreciate it and the things he does for you is something important to do on a regular basis.

Its hard to find a way to get back together after a break up naturally. But everything is possible if you really want it!
What to say if someone breaks up with you?

That s the hardest feeling, when someone, suddenly decides to break up with you. Especially when you are not expecting it and have nothing to say, just a total disappointment.

There is really no point in saying anything if someone made a decision its just his own choice and you should respect it.
If breaking up its too painful for you, it is better not to talk to an ex after a breakup and not contact him. In a few months, you will be over it, become stronger, and the friendship between you and your ex will be more possible then.

A relationship is a fragile thing and so easy to mess up. I hope you are on the right path to saving your relationship with your soul mate!

Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer by profession and blogger by passion. She is co-founder of Content Rally.

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