Important Tools Every Dad Needs in His Toolbelt

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As a dad, you probably have essential tools for every aspect of your life. However, your toolbelt may lack some items that you should not miss. Dads always have a way of fixing everything around the house, and some tools can make the DIY projects and repairs around your home easier. When shopping for a tool belt, some essentials must be included to make the belt complete. These tools are used to fix anything that needs fixing. Read on to find out what should never lack in a dad’s toolbelt.

Work Gloves

A toolbelt should always have work gloves to protect the hands. A good pair of quality fitting gloves designed for particular work will make your job easier, help in reducing fatigue, and prevent minor injuries on your hands, such as blisters. When undertaking some projects, dirt or chemicals may get under the fingernails, which can be pretty uncomfortable. To avoid the harsh chemicals and cleansers from getting to your skin during your daddy projects, wear a pair of gloves. Gloves will also help to prevent grease or black oil that may be stubborn to get out from sticking on your hands.

Tape Measure

A measuring tape serves many purposes during woodwork. A 25 feet long tape measure that can retract is good for the toolbelt. Also, the tape measure should be calibrated on both the meters and feet sides since you will need both calibrations for different situations. The tape measure should also have a hook to attach it when measuring. The hook acts as a nail grab to make your measuring experience easier. Most toolbelts usually have a dedicated tape holder. Although have a laser measuring tape for more accurate readings, which can be pretty expensive, ensure that there is always a tape measure in your belt since you will need it frequently.

Screws, Screwdrivers, and Nails

Screws and nails help in fastening, but nails have a smooth shaft while the screws have threaded shafts. They hold together the house frames, floors, outdoor decking, and kitchen cabinets. As a dad, you will use the nails for large projects such as framing the house in case of repairs since nails are stronger. When handling small projects, screws will help you do your woodworking, decking, and other minor projects since they offer more control; as you insert and extract. Adding different sizes of screws and nails in the toolbelt will make the fastening projects easier as you can grab them on the go. As with screws, you’ll need a screwdriver. Working on any project is easier with the proper ToolsQuik auto tools

Nail Puller

Also known as cat’s paw or cat’s claw, a nail puller helps to remove nails from timber or, sometimes, helps to drive nails. The nail puller’s steel-head has a curve shape, and when you push the handle down, the far end pulls your nail from the timber.


Sandpaper should never lack in a dad’s toolbelt. Sandpapers are used in removing excess material from a surface. Sandpapers come in different grit sizes you can use in finishing a surface. When using the glass paper, you must first use a larger grit size, then the medium, and the small grit size to make your surface plane. The sandpaper will come in handy as you work on wood surfaces.


You will need a drill to bore holes in different materials. The drill can even become your most used tool in the toolbelt for your home improvement projects. You will need the drill to build shelves, replace fixtures, hanging a gallery wall, and many other things. This tool drill is also essential when making a hole in the wall. However, before you start using it, understand how it works and helps you in your DIY projects. If you understand this tool, you will never want it to miss in your tool belt, as it is essential.

As a dad, you need tools for your home improvement projects. Tools come in handy when you do not want to employ someone to fix broken items in your house. With a perfect toolbelt, you can get any work done around the house. The only thing you need to do is fit it with the tools that will help you as you work. A well-organized toolbelt will allow you to carry your essentials with ease, climb ladders safely and work better, efficiently, and on time.

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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