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Make your pet happier in six steps

Phrases such as “dog is man’s best friend” or “no one will respect you like your dog” might be true to a certain extent, but such reasoning puts gods into a subordinate condition. New trends in canine-human relations emphasize the importance of establishing a balanced relationship with your dog, instead of an army-like rank-related behavior. It is important that you ensure regular activities for your dog and a he or she will definitely know how to recognize it and give it back through their unselfish love.

Happy pets

Regular physical activities

One of the first must-do tasks when it comes to dogs are regular physical activities. You have to organize your day and free time to free some room for you and your pet to go for a walk or for a run. Sometimes it is enough only to go to the local park and spend a half an hour just playing and fooling around with the dog.

Balanced dog’s diet

Just as it is the case with people, dogs also like order in their lives. You know how important it is for you to have balanced and rich diet. The same goes for your dog. There are many products on the market that offer all-in-one combinations of minerals, vitamin and other ingredients. Dog’s food is an important feature. Your dog will stay fit and healthy with pet care supplies like Canidae dog food products which offer everything they need.

Mutual understanding

Living with a dog does not differ too much from living with a human. You cannot and must not put yourself into the position of a commander. Dogs have a sensitive character and if you treat them in a bad way, you will never have a nice relationship. On the contrary, it will be the torture for both of you. To make your dog happy and yourself less tense, you should develop a relationship of mutual understanding with your dog.

Dog’s social life

Imagine if you have to spend six or seven hours a day while your owner (or a roommate) is at work; what it is more, you can do nothing without him. That is how dogs feel when you leave them locked in your home while you are at work. So, when you come back, you should do something for them to improve their social life. One such thing is again going out and let him or her smell and feel their fellow dogs outside, in a (half)-natural habitat.

Have a baby

The strong bond between dogs and children is inexplicable. All right, adults like dogs and dogs also show affection for their adults. But the level of love and care that dogs show for little children is magnificent. To make your dog happier and more satisfied, having a baby is a great decision. While it is generally a great decision for your life, it could make your dog become even more relaxed. Except from that, your baby will have a best friend from the very beginning of his or her life. However, bear in mind that you have to prepare the dog for the arrival of the baby.

Prevent dog’s bites

Statistics is merciless and the data say that about 4 million children get bitten by dogs every year. That happens due to lack of proper training of dogs, but also because of people who do not know to teach their children how to behave towards a dog. That is why the whole family should undergo some kind of a dog-related training or education. If you protect your children from getting bitten, everybody will be happy, especially the dog(s).

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