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Managing Part-Time Staff: 6 Things You Might Be Forgetting To Do

All thriving businesses hire people to take care of various functions and operations. Many of those firms employ part-time or “casual” staff. These are people that get employed on a permanent basis but don’t work full-time hours. As you can imagine, hiring part-time staff offers plenty of flexibility for both parties.

Has your business just started hiring part-time staff? Perhaps it intends to do so quite soon? In today’s article, I will share with you six things that you may be forgetting to do. If you’re new to hiring part-time staff, be sure to remember the following points:

1. Treat your part-time staff the same as full-time ones

It doesn’t matter whether your employees work ten hours a week or forty hours for you. What does matter is that all workers get treated with equality and respect. It’s crucial that you focus on the tasks each worker does, rather than how long they work for you each day. Doing so will instil loyalty and happiness in all workers.

2. Use technology to manage your part-time staff

There was once a time where HR departments would use spreadsheets to manage their staff. These days, they rely on innovative HR software to help them. It makes sense to use the latest applications. Especially when they’re useful for tasks such as allocating staff holidays and recording sickness. What’s more, HR software can also get used by departmental managers too.

3. Offer the right training for each worker’s needs

All staff working at your company will have different skill levels and expertise. It makes sense to ensure everyone gets training to a particular level that you’re happy with. Make sure that your part-time staff get access to the training they need. Don’t just assume that you should only pay for full-time workers to get trained.

4. Give your part-time staff a sense of consistency

When a person works part-time hours, there is one thing they crave. And that’s the need for consistency! Even shift workers want some kind of time management stability. Make sure you give your staff a fixed set of hours and days to work. That way, it makes it easier for them to fit their personal lives around their working hours.

5. Offer career advancement opportunities

You might not think it, but some of your part-time staff may wish to work on a full-time basis. Others may want more responsibility (and higher salaries) while remaining part-time.

Whatever their motives, you should allow your part-time workers to progress within your business. Doing so strengthens their desire to remain with your company. Plus, it shows that you consider them to be valued members of your team.

6. Keep your part-time staff in the loop

One of the classic mistakes that employers make is to forget to relay news to their part-time workers! If there are any changes or news within your business, it’s vital that everyone knows about them! Otherwise, confusion and frustration will ensue.

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading today’s article. See you soon!

Kalyan B Das

Kalyan is a web developer, a blogger and an online entrepreneur. He is the primary developer of this blog and takes care of all the technical happenings in this site

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