Moving Up: 4 Scaleable Small Business Solutions For Rapid Growth

Rapid growth is a boon for many businesses, but it can bring with it unique headaches and hassles they have to deal with. When growth is too rapid, the company may not be able to keep up with demand in terms of manpower, infrastructure and more. Here are a few solutions to consider when you want your business to keep up with its success.


Using Project Management Software

To produce this growth in the first place, and in a cost-effective way, your team has to be working efficiently. When more and more work starts coming in, it unlikely that you will be able to stick to the same processes you were using before. This means improving communication, organization, and, most importantly, collaboration between team members. If you’re still using pen and paper to keep organized, it’s time to update. There are plenty of project management solutions that can keep track of your workflow, generate reports, and measure efficiency all in one program. These programs are particularly good because they can accommodate just about any amount of work you get.


Use a Headhunting Service

All companies will need to hire new staff members periodically because of regular turnover. When your company is growing quickly, you may need to double these efforts so you can fill existing vacancies and find people for new positions. Ideally, you will only hire the most skilled and experienced professionals, but finding the right individuals to add to your team can be time-consuming and stressful, especially if work is coming in fast. High stress can mean higher turnover, so making sure you have enough people to share the load is crucial.


Using a headhunter service to assist with this process can be instant stress relief. You can essentially outsource the initial efforts to them, and they can send you the top candidates they have found for a final interview with you and your management team. Some of these services may even send the new employee to work for you on a contract or trial basis so that you can make sure they’re a good fit before you hire them. Remember that your business depends on these employees to survive. If you make your best effort to find the best people, you can enjoy higher output and lower turnover.


Hire a Real Estate Agent

Sometimes growth can put extra strain on the physical limitations of a business. You may need to expand your warehouse or storage facility, or even invest in a larger building that meets your needs with extra space for the future. Some businesses will purchase more space than they need with the intention of leasing out some of the space for a few years until they need to expand further. No matter which solution you go with, you’ll want a real estate agent on your side. Your agent can find buildings, arrange tours, negotiate, and handle paperwork so you can focus on running your business.


Choose the Right Communication Technology

The ability to communicate well with your team as well as with your valued clients is imperative. Business communications have moved on from landlines and memos and so should you. VOIP, corporate email, chat platforms, and a company intranet are all cost-effective technologies that can keep up with your business as it expands. Good communication is vital for any business, but even moreso when accepting more work, adding team members, and planning for the future.


The last thing you want is for the unprecedented success of your business to become its demise. While every small business is shooting for the stars, it’s really important to have a plan for when you reach them. If you implement these scaleable solutions, you can manage your growth and better enjoy the benefits of your hard work paying off.

Brooke Chaplan

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.

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