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Nesting and Preparing to Be a Parent

Parenting BabyCreating a vibrant and fun environment is one of the best ways you can help inspire your child to learn. As a parent I have discovered that I see the world in a whole new light. I have forgotten how dreary life can be as I have once again started seeing the world through the eyes of a child.  I find beauty everywhere and I am constantly amazed by the environment around me. It was a truly wonderful feeling, especially at times of celebration such as Christmas and Easter.

Make the Bedroom a Place of Safety and Comfort

I guess one of the most important rooms to work on when you are expecting your first baby is the nursery. This is the room where your baby needs to feel at ease.  It helps to encourage a good sleeping pattern and help your child learn that falling asleep alone is nothing to be concerned about. I loved working on the nursery while I was pregnant, and perhaps I did things which I shouldn’t, but I couldn’t help it.

I worked on building the furniture and painting the walls while my husband was at work. I just couldn’t wait for him to get home.  I felt like I had the time and I wanted to make the room special, I guess that was all part of the nesting process. I made sure the walls were relaxing and pretty to look at. The carpet was soft enough to play on and the curtains blacked out the light to help my child drop off at nap times. Not essentially an issue for very small babies, but vital for toddlers I found.

The Loving Living Room

After I was happy with the nursery I moved on to the living room. Although the walls were in good condition I decided to brighten the room up so I decorated in there too. I began to look at storage furniture for toys because I wanted to be able to clear the room quickly at night time. A good friend of mine had told me that it’s hard to switch off the mother mode with toys and baby bits all around the living room. She had experienced troubles in her marriage because of this which is something I was eager to avoid.

Before my baby was born I had baby proofed the whole house. It was a bit silly I guess but it was great for keeping me busy and I felt like I had some control over the whole situation. My pregnancy wasn’t the easiest so there were times when I did very little, but when I felt well enough I would pick another project and get cracking. My home had never looked so good!

Our Bedroom

I wanted to have the cot in the bedroom to start with, I think most parents do. However, I did want to create a relaxing environment for my baby and for my husband and I. I painted the walls a shade of white and bought new softer bed sheets which would be soft for the baby. When he arrived I felt so happy that I had spent so much time preparing the home. There was no way I had the energy to decorate or baby proof the house with all those late nights.

Our son is now sleeping in his own bed, and as yet I haven’t felt the need to decorate anything. I love the organization of the house which helps when you are living with a disorganized toddler. It won’t be long before he is asking for a train themed room, but for now the house is perfect, and so is my lively son!

A great way to decorate the room for your child is by using nursery wall stickers. They are easy to use and come in all sorts of designs.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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