Positive Ways To Keep Your Mind & Body Active

Being a Baby Boomer puts you right at that age for having to adapt to a new stage in your life. While retirement sounded good a long time ago, when it finally arrives it can be a bit scary to face. That’s why it’s important for you to have plans and activities ready to go for when your schedule clears.

Be proud of yourself that you’ve worked so hard over the years and use this as an opportunity to relax and do what makes you happy. It’s important to still be on the go somewhat and not simply sit and watch television all day. See positive ways to keep your mind and body active in retirement.

Exercise Daily

Exercise is critical to keeping your mental and physical health stable. It’ll instantly boost your mood and give you more natural energy. Talk to your doctor about what workouts are best for you in your current condition. There are an array of possibilities when it comes to getting yourself moving. You can swim, do yoga and go for long walks. Whatever you decide to do, make sure you’re challenging your body each day. This will also work to keep your mind sharp and help you retain a positive outlook on life.

Find A Hobby

Hobbies are great for when you’re in retirement. They’re a fun and engaging way to be challenging yourself continuously. Consider learning how to cook, plant a garden, work on cars or buy gold and collect coins through LPM. The best part about getting a new hobby is that there are so many options out there for you to try. This is the perfect time in your life for you to explore and seek out new and exciting interests that put a smile on your face.

Visit with Friends & Family

Being in retirement is going to grant you with a lot of alone time. Instead of sitting around hoping you hear from people, go out and contact them first. Let your friends and family know you’re in retirement and that you’re always looking for an excuse to get together. Use a calendar and start setting up coffee dates and other visits that will help keep you busy during the week. Also, give yourself time to make new friends and be open to the possibility of building relationships with people who enter your life at this stage too.

Get out of the House

This is plain and simple. Depending on how mobile you are, make it a point to leave the house once in a while. While it’s nice to get projects done around your place, you need to make sure you’re continuing to socialize and interact with the outside world. Run errands, go shopping or head to a movie. You’ll feel much better after a few hours out and about in society and away from your home. Plan ahead and follow your schedule, so there’s no temptation to back out.

Own A Pet

This is a wonderful time in your life to bring a pet into your home. A new furry friend will instantly lift your spirits and give you someone besides yourself to take care of, especially if you live alone. They’re a great companion to have and will put a smile on your face every day. Do your homework and make sure you choose a breed that’s right for you. If you get a dog, you can take him or her for walks, and it’ll help keep you company when you’re out exploring the neighborhoods.

Practice Self-Care

When you’re not working, it’s easy to get into the routine of sleeping in and not showering. While it’s good to do once in a while on the weekends, it’s important not to make a habit of it. Get a sleep schedule down where you’re going to bed and waking up around the same time each day. Shower, get dressed and eat nutritious meals. Take care of yourself, so you can continue to live a long and healthy life well into retirement. If you find your mind racing then read a book, exercise or learn how to meditate. Focus on you first, and the rest will fall into place.

Join A Community Group or Volunteer

Use the extra time you have to get involved in various community groups or to volunteer your time. Giving back is an excellent way to stay connected to those around you and improve your self-esteem. There’s no denying that it feels good to help others and that they appreciate it. You’ll meet new people in the process and learn skills and information you wouldn’t if you were sitting at home. You’ll be surprised to witness all that’s been going on around you each day that you weren’t aware of when you were busy working.


If you’re able to, traveling is a positive and healthy way to stay active in retirement. This is your chance to explore places you always dreamed of visiting. Make a bucket list and fill your calendar according to where you want to travel to next. Go with your spouse, alone or take a good friend. Traveling has a way of getting you out of your comfort zone and making you feel happy to be alive all at the same time. Plan and prepare, but leave room to be flexible and go with the flow too. You want this to be a time of relaxation and not have it bring on additional stress.


Age is just a number, so it’s all about your attitude when you enter into retirement. Be glad you’re at a place in your life when you can finally focus on you and your needs and wants. This isn’t a time to sit around waiting for new experiences to come to you. You have to go out and search for them and participate in life. These are positive ways to keep your mind and body active in retirement.

Rudyard Kipling

I am a tech reviewer, blogger, and full-time writer as well. I love to write about the latest tech gadgets, social issues, and parenting. I am a foodie, surfer, and book reader.

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