Show It Off: 4 Ways to Spotlight Your Home When You’re Ready to Sell

Sometimes we outgrow a home. It may be too big or too small for us. When it’s time to move, you have to put in the effort to get your home sold. Here are 4 ways to spotlight your home when you’re ready to sell.

Put Up a Sign

Believe it or not, a simple sign can do so much when it comes to selling your home. You may have people stop to look after seeing the sign. If you’re lucky, the person who stops may offer you a great deal and become the new owner of your home. Place the sign in a prominent location in your yard. It can also help to attach a protected box of brochures to the sign. The brochures should have pictures of the interior of your home and your asking price.

While the sign is in your yard, be sure to keep your yard as clean as possible. Tidy up the planter beds and trim any large trees or shrubs. This will increase you curb appeal and encourage people to stop and check out your sign and any information about your house.

Word of Mouth

If you want people to know about the house you have to sell, tell them about it. When you interact with people, especially people who might be in the market for a home, bring up the house. Ask them what they’re looking for in a new home, and highlight any features of your home that matches their list.

You should also look into hiring a realtor. Realtors have networks of colleagues and clients, and they’ll be able to spread word of your home through that network. The best realtor in your area can help connect you to the perfect buyer for your home.

Host an Open House

Get a number of potential buyers in your home all at the same time by hosting an open house. An open house is a time when you will let people come to see the interior of the house and ask questions. Make sure your home is clean and clutter free and encourage your potential buyers to walk around.

To make the house feel extra welcoming, offer lemonade and other refreshments. If you bake cookies right beforehand, it will make the kitchen smell extra appetizing while the guests are around. Alternately, you can simmer a natural potpourri on your stove or bake some vanilla in your stove on a low temperature to make the house smell extra good.

Use the Internet

You have a number of resources right at your fingertips to help you sell your house. Look for real estate websites to put up a listing for your home. Take attractive and detailed pictures to give people a sense of what they get with your home. Take your time to create an accurate and attractive description of the home, too. You can also always use social media to let people know you are selling your home. These options are usually free to you and can generate results quickly.

Your home may be better suited for another family at this point. This next stage of life could be the best yet, so get moving. Use these tips to get the house sold as quickly as possible.

When you’re selling your home, you want to highlight all the best parts of it for potential buyers. Take the time to organize your home so you can portray it in the best light. This will get your home more attention and a faster buy.

Brooke Chaplan

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, For more information contact Brooke via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.

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