Smart Ways to Clean Up After Rodent Infestation

So you have called the professional Rats Pest Control Brisbane and took care of the rodent problem at home, now what? We’ll tell, now you are left with all the mess the rats or mice have created at a different part of the house. From destroyed food containers, boxes, clothes to the mass amount of mess left behind them. So, now essentially you have got a bigger problem than increased rodent infestation at home.

Deep cleaning the house is initially a job that needs to be done at least once a year, but when your home has been hosting rodents for quite some while, a thorough cleaning becomes essential.

Cleaning Up Droppings and Urine

The first task at hand is cleaning all the droppings and urine as these wastes carry germs of dangerous diseases that will make your family members severely sick. But in order to do that, the first thing to do is covering yourself first.

  • Wear latex, rubber, or vinyl gloves.

  • Firstly, spray disinfects or a mixture of bleach and water on the droppings and urine, leave it like that for 5 minutes. The bleach and water mixture should be 1 part of bleach and 10 parts of water.

  • Then with the help of paper towels, pick up all the mess and dispute it inside the garbage.

  • After that’s one, it’s time to disinfect the area filled with waste and all the objects that might be infested by rodents.

Cleaning the Whole Area

Once the droppings have been cleaned and removed, it’s time to take care of the floors and other parts where the rodents might have been living.

  • Mop the floors with disinfects or the said bleach and water mixture for ridding all the germs soon after calling the 24-hour rat control Brisbane.

  • You then need to clean the carpets, cushions, curtains, and upholstered furniture. You can either steam clean these or apply shampoo for washing.

  • You need to wash bedding, clothing, and other clothing materials with hot water and laundry detergent if these are messed with rat urine or dropping.

You need to be profoundly thorough with it; use hands to wash these in the machine won’t get rid of the stain or the germs completely.

Cleaning The Basement, Attic, Crawl Spaces, And Other Storage Spaces

Storage spaces like the attic, basement are the common places for rodents to live or travel through, hence, comes the responsibility to clean all these places. To completely remove the existence of rodent, checking the storage areas are essential. Before cleaning these constructed areas, make sure that you have ventilated the area 30 minutes before by opening all the doors and windows to let the air in.

  • Then start off by wearing latex, vinyl, or rubber gloves as stated before. You can also wear a dust mask as such places are always filled with dirt, but it is a must-do step if you have a dust allergy.

  • Then it’s time to spray the urine, droppings, and other mess created by the rats with disinfecting or the mixture, but this time use 9 parts water. Leave it to soak; this step will lessen the risk of catching any viruses.

  • Afterward, with the help of a paper towel pick up all the mess and throw it away in a bin.

  • Then the usual task of mopping the floor clean comes after. Make sure to use a quality disinfect for the job.

  • Now dispose of any cardboard boxes or other materials that might be infested by the rodents. Things that are made with glass, plastic, or metal can be cleaned with the bleach water mix or with disinfecting, so despite these things all the others should be thrown away. Otherwise, you may still fall sick even after calling the 24 hours rat control near me.

This will be all to do a thorough cleanup after doing pest control at home. Following these will make your home brand new.

Justin Carlos

I am Professional writer, editor and blogger, I really like to spend my full time to write new idea which i think.

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