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The Do’s and Don’ts of Online Video Sharing

  • Post category:Social Issues
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  • Reading time:3 mins read

The Internet has brought about new ways of communicating. With the ability to connect virtually, people now have a forum to express themselves online. However, using the power of the Internet to connect and be heard can sometimes cause unintended consequences that can have a lasting effect.Because of the extreme amount of publicity the Internet provides, people are finding their pictures and videos suddenly being shared in ways they had not intended.But there are many benefits to being able to put your videos online. Here are a few of the do’s and don’ts of sharing videos via the Internet.



Do share videos of children privately –

When children are put online publicly, they are exposed for the world to see without even knowing it. This can cause trouble at school, or later on in life as their peers begin to use the Internet. Instead, use a secure way to share online videos privately when posting pictures and films of your children.

Do make films fun and entertaining –

When you share a film with a family member or group of friends, you are providing some entertainment. Make your videos fun and enjoyable, so people look forward to receiving your files.

Do use private video to keep families close –

With private video sharing, families can be kept closer, eliminating geographic barriers. Grandparents across the country can watch their grandchildren take their first steps or say their first words. These are priceless pieces of film that open the door to bringing families closer together in spite of distances.


Don’t post anything publicly that you don’t want an employer to see –

Once a video has been put online publicly, it will stay there for years to come. If you have something questionable and don’t want your current or future employers to see, share it privately with restrictions in place so no one can share it again.

Don’t share everything with all of your contacts –

Not everyone needs to see all of your videos. If you are an avid film taker, only share clips with the people whom you are confident will appreciate them. By oversharing with everyone in your social networks or contact list, you risk alienating friends by sending too many non-relevant updates.

Don’t reveal personal information –

Regardless of the people with whom you are sharing videos, it is never a good idea to reveal too much personal information. Never show things such as a pin number or credit card information on film.

Sharing videos online is a great way for family and friends to keep in touch across distances. However, when a video gets into the hands of an unintended recipient, there can be consequences. Always share videos through a secure, private network and your films will stay exclusive to the intended recipients.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of KlmnWeb.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. A Young Investor

    “Don’t post anything publicly that you don’t want an employer to see –” Totally agree with you. I’ve heard of stories of people posting stuff on Youtube and their Facebook page, after which they were fired for.

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