The Right Arrangements Before Sitting for a Job Interview

Before sending your CV, make sure you know every detail and can answer questions related to it. Did you write “fluent English”? Expect the recruiter to be able to complete all or part of the interview in the language of Shakespeare. Have you been on fixed-term contracts for 5 years, haven’t found a job for 3 years or have you found yourself unemployed following a CDI? Be comfortable with questions about the reasons that led you to such situations with the help of the recruitment agency for thailand.

Master the Content of Your CV

Whatever your professional or school background, always try to be positive, to put forward what your experiences have taught you and how they could be a force for the position you covet. Also, be sure to test the qualities you mentioned. If you’ve written “punctuality” and “interpersonal” on your CV, try to arrive on time and be in a good mood to the recruiter.

Finally, avoid writing things that are too personal on your CV (no one needs to know your marital status or the first names of your children) or even mentions that could turn against you in an interview (for example, it is not useful nothing to mark that you would like to work in a position other than the one for which you are applying).There is no point in indicating that you would like to work in a position other than the one for which you are applying, there is no point in indicating that you would like to work in a position other than the one for which you are applying.

Prepare Answers to Questions (Say) “Traps”

Certain questions are particularly apprehended by the candidates. Without touching your private life, they can be destabilizing by their reflexive nature (you have to look at yourself in the mirror, examine yourself, yourself and your desires): “where do you see yourself in 5 years?”, “Which ones? Are your main flaws or main qualities in a professional environment? ”, “what are you most or least proud of in your professional career?”, “why are you applying for this particular position?”, “what do your (former) say colleagues of you?” etc. To be able to answer these questions calmly, it is therefore necessary to carry out your introspection before the interview. This will prevent you from losing your footing and responding in a way that is too agreed or in terms that are too strong or poorly chosen that could backfire on you.

Arrive On Time. Not (Too) Ahead and Especially Not Late!

Seeing a candidate arrive 30 minutes early is never a good sign. This indicates a real lack of organization which could destabilize the cabinet. It must be able to highlight as much as possible the points of your course that meet the offer for which you are interviewing. For example, you would be likely to meet other candidates, which is not to the taste of all recruiters. Arriving late marks, on the contrary, a certain disinterest in the proposed position and a lack of motivation.

Simon Hopes

I am Simon Hopes, a reputed guest blogger, who has been in this profession for about 7 years now. I have been sharing my opinions & contributing to varied websites.

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