The Ultimate Guide to Family Organization

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If you have a large family, it can become easy to get overwhelmed by everything that is going on around you at virtually all times of the day. When you become stressed and overwhelmed though, you lose your sense of organization, which only creates further chaos in your home and with your loved ones. IT is important to take the time to get your family organized so that you can move forward together and feel some peace and relaxation. You can use the guide below as a way to find ways to organize your family life so that you never miss a beat.

Start with Family Meetings

Before you can get organized, you need to hold a family meeting so that you and your family can together discuss what is unorganized in your lives. You need to let your partner and even your children have some input about what needs to be done, plus these meetings will help you connect on a deeper level. You can discuss your budget for the week, can delegate tasks if you need to clean the home, and even discuss goals for organization for the week. From there, though each member may have a specific task, you all can find ways to work together.

Plan All Meals

One of the most unorganized parts of family life comes when there is competition over where or what you should eat. During your family meeting, come up with and discuss a meal plan together, even allowing each member of the family to choose one meal a week. This will help you to save money as well as you can make a list of every ingredient you need so that you are not overspending. Plus, you are sure not to forget the items that you just thought you had in your pantry when you are already at the store.

Give Everything a Place

Another way to organize your family life is to organize your home. Ensure that there is a place for everything in your home, as it can become stressful quickly to not know where to put every single toy or every single piece of clothing. Make sure there are labeled baskets throughout your home and teach your family members about what the baskets are for. Even have color-coded hangers for each of your child’s clothing, and dedicate a space for the important documents and mail that you receive.

Go After a System

It is important no matter what you are trying to organize though to have some sort of system in place. There is even software available called a family operating system which will contain information about when your bills are due, the tasks that you have delegated, and even your budget. You can even add other collaborators to the list such as your spouse or older children. If you want to, add external family members or friends who you want to ask to keep you accountable throughout the entire process of getting your life in some type of order.

Be Honest

The final step in getting your family organized is to always stay honest with yourself and do not expect too much. Be realistic about the time that you have in a day to accomplish home tasks and to organize your life. Get everyone’s opinion by having the meetings aforementioned, and allow them to express their concerns about if they think the ideas that you have will work or not. Do not rush through any change that you are hoping to accomplish, as when you rush, nothing will stick and no plans will be fulfilled.

If your home always feels chaotic, or your family can never come to an agreement, you may be dealing with a high level of stress. One way you can ease this stress is to ensure that you hear every family member. Another way is to incorporate that active listening into getting your home and your lifestyle organized with your entire family in mind, including delegating tasks and being honest with them. Start with using accountability software, making spaces for everything, and making lists for your dinners. This will go far, even though you are only making small changes.

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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