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Top Wine Regions of The World  

imagesAll wine regions described here are widely known among wine lovers around the world. Only thing you need to do right now is take a glass of wine and enjoy reading further on.

Piedmont, Italy

It is located on the foothills of the Alps, trapped in fog and cool climate. This region is one of the most famous in Italy when it comes to wine production. The main sort of wine in Piedmont is ’’Nebiolo’’ which is made out of ’’Barolo’’ and ’’Barbaresco’’. Other well known wines are ’’Muscat d’Asti’’ and ’’Asti Spumante’’. These wines are created using the ’’Muscat Bianco’’ sort.

Napa Valley, California

Napa Valley is the first wine region in the United States who won the international praise and world wide attention. It is also a home to one of the world’s largest winery with a tradition that stretches all the way from the first settlers through the Prohibition days until today. The exquisite Mediterranean microclimate and the soil rich with decomposed oceanic fossils and lava ash gave the high-quality grape varieties such as ’’Robert Mondavi’’, ’’Chateau Montelena’’ and ’’Harlan Estate’’.

Mosel, Germany

Saar and Ruwer are two rivers that cut through some fantastic landscapes of Germany. They collide at one point to form the river Moselle and thus create a beautiful landscape that is home to one of the most complex wines in the world. This area is steep, full of sunlight and the soil is rich with minerals which makes this land stand out and give one of the world best vine varieties. This region is known for its ’’Riesling’’ sort that was considered as the most important and most precious sort until ’’Bordeaux’’ emerged on the market.

Bordeaux, France

Bordeaux is one of the most influential regions in the world. It became more famous then Hollywood celebrities and became a standard with tasting profiles worldwide. ’’Merlot’’ was the first to appear in this region before ’’Bordeaux’’. A lot of well known wines are made out of this sort like ’’Petrus’’ and ’’Chateau Ausone’’.

Tuscany, Italy

Tuscany is home to some of the most recognizable and most consistent wines in the world, such as ’’Chianti Classico’’, ’’Brunello di  Montalcino’’ and ’’Carmignano’’. Tuscany is characterized by hard work, dedication and passion for wine.maset_vineyards_1

Ribera del Duero, Spain

It is located in the northern highlands of Spain, along side the river Duero. The rocky terrain of Ribera del Duero is home to many varieties and one of the most expensive wines in the world like ’’Vega Sicilia’’. The wine was produced here for more than a thousand years and very few know about its production process.

Barossa Valley, Australia

Wines from Australia are considered to have all kinds of different tastes. Although you can taste the fruit a lot more, these wines are well balanced. This is the place for those who are looking for sweet red wine types. These wines go marvelously with the steak or lamb with rosemary. You should try ’’Grenache’’ and ’’Shiraz’’.

Central Coast – California

The Central Coast California is full of wineries. The most famous wines of this region are ’’Longoria’’, ’’Foxen’’ and ’’Sanford’’. The most famous wines are flavored with strawberries like the mixed ’’Pinot Noir’’ and pure ’’Chardonnay’’.

Champagne, France

Champagne region is famous not only for its quality but also for its tradition in wine making. With the arrival of new producers in this region, Champagne wines have become more accessible to a wider range of people while the quality remains the same. There are some traditional wines like the ’’Pierre Huet’’, ’’Dom Perignon’’ and ’’Moet and Chandon’’. These are high-quality wines and they are considered as standards that will be hard to replace.

Wine is good for out health when consumed in adequate quantities. A fine wine truly is a gift from the heavens and every glass should be accompanied with good food and music. French people often say that a day without wine is like a day without sun.


Diana Smith

Diana Smith is a full time mom of two beautiful girls interested in topics related to health and alternative medicine. In her free time she enjoys exercising and preparing healthy meals for her family.

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