Understanding The Difference Between Blood Test And Breath Alcohol Test

In order to understand everything about the DUI blood test and breath analyzer, you first need to understand what that both means. DUI or driving under the influence is basically a type of test where they take a sample of blood from the person in order to check the number of chemical substances in their blood. While any illegal substance found in your body can lead to a DUI blood warrant.

Such tests cannot be done on the scene because only a qualified person can administer the test. However, the DUI blood test is accurate since it can pick up traces of any substance a person has ingested.

On the other hand, there is a breath alcohol test which measures how much alcohol is in the air you breathe out. Basically, it is a device that measures the estimate how much alcohol is in your blood. Alike, DUI it also measures BAC but with a different method and can be performed by anyone using the breath analyzer.

How Does Blood Test Work?

Only a qualified technician can take all DUI blood samples. However, if the police do not have a qualified person then he or she cannot perform a blood test. Moreover, the office should also need an electronic search warrant for your blood even though you are required to consent by state law.

While before drawing the blood, the police needs to explain the whole procedure and penalties for refusing.

People Eligible for Blood Tests

This question can have many possible answers as the qualified individuals will vary from state-to-state. Usually, a person who is under the supervision of an experienced physician can perform this type of blood test. However, a person who has been licensed in phlebotomy can also capable of performing DUI blood tests.

Hows Do Breath Alcohol Test Works?

As the name suggests, a BAC test is also used to analyze alcohol content in the blood but the only difference is that it uses a breath analyzer device. Unlike blood tests, you don’t need a qualified technician to perform this test.

How Reliable Is the Blood Test?

Blood tests are considered more reliable than a breathalyzer test because the blood test takes the exact chemical content of your blood when they draw your blood. However, there are some reasons why blood tests can be unreliable. If the blood sample was taken too long or it was contaminated or improperly stored then it can result in inaccurate results as well!

How Reliable is the Breathalyzer Test?

A breathalyzer doesn’t physically measure BAC but only provide estimate several factors that can lower the accuracy of results and make them lower or higher. While some factors such as body temperature can result higher because of higher volatility. When the test is taken before the alcohol is fully absorbed into the blood, it may result in lower readings.

However, the ultimate decision of which test you need to take is up to you. While breathalyzer test results are easy to fight because they are less accurate. On the other hand, blood tests require a number of important procedures that can void your results if performed improperly and you will also have a sample that can be retested later.

Wrapping Up

Whichever test you choose, you will need an E-warrant system in order to determine this tests that can be taken by police officers. Also, remember that only a qualified technician can perform your blood test. So, if the police officers don’t have any qualified technicians then you can deny it.


Olive Smith

Olive Smith is a professional blogger who loves to write on numerous topics.

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