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A Home can be a House but, a House cannot be a Home Always

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You might have heard the saying,”Home home sweet home,there is no place like home.” Does it stand true? Yes, it does. A home is a place where we are born, where we learn to live, laugh and get the basics of life. It may be a humble cottage, but it’s always heavenly for the dwellers. Our sweetest of memories reside here. We grow under the very care and nurture of our parents. Our first playmate are brothers and sisters. Every heart leaps with joy in a home. A home provides you with all the comfort you aspire, and at the same time it keeps an eye on your upbringing.

A home is the best place to find your comforts. An incredible love blooms between the members of the family. Nobody sees his/her own interest in a home, instead wishes for others’. The pain and miseries of life are lessened in a home.

A home is made of the persons dwelt in it and not merely by the walls and roofs of it. A house, unlike home, may be defined as a place to live in with well furnished rooms and furniture. A house can only provide you with material comforts, latest interior designs, beautiful gardens and better parking facilities. However, despite all these things, you can’t live alone.You need people to live with. Your heart pines for your near and dear ones. You can’t live your life with lifeless objects. You need people to talk and share with, else lifeless objects will pain you more.

A home never disgraces a house. It too embraces the luxury comforts that a house provides. A house on the other hand looks only for luxuriousness and denies significance of moral values. Thus, a home gets a broader concept and is more enjoyable and relax-able. A home is a deity to be worshiped. He who loves his home becomes a good man.

They say,”Love home, you will learn to love yourself.” Loving humanity and loving mankind, all comes out of loving your home.Thus, home is undoubtedly the most influencing school, teaching the values that worth more than anything in life.

How do you agree to what I just said about a home? You liked it? Let me know your feedback on it.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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