What To Look For In A Commission Advance Company

If you’ve been in or around the real estate game for a while, “Advanced Commission” is a term you’ve likely heard before, but perhaps never fully understood or chosen to ignore. For many, the concept seems too good to be true: for an incredibly small fee, you can receive your hard earned, but unsettled real estate commission in cash – long before the real estate deal is finalized. Since this is not a loan, there is no interest on the advance and often no credit checks are needed. Commission advancing is an incredibly useful tool that many of the top real estate agents in the country take advantage of.

One of the most frustrating parts of being a real estate agent is the waiting time to closing. For real estate purchases that have a far closing date, or a long waiting period, it can be extremely frustrating for an agent to wait for their hard-earned money, especially when the firm deals pile up, but are all not for a while. After all, we all have debts and expenses to cover, no matter what type of career we have chosen. If you do choose to utilize the services of a commission advance company, it is important to choose wisely, as not all of these companies are created equally.

First and foremost, you should choose a reputable commission advance supplier like AccessEasyFunds in Canada, which has built a strong name in the industry and are known for being honest and trustworthy. When you are really strapped for cash, the last thing you need is to wait even longer for your hard earned funds! It’s called a commission advance for a reason, and you shouldn’t have to wait a long period to receive it!

Secondly, make sure you get a deal that you are comfortable with. Each company will offer their own competitive rates and services and it is up to you to decide which company will offer you the best deal. Make sure you look out for minimum charges and add-ons, as it is commonplace for some advance companies to set stipulations of this nature.

Finally, make sure you read the fine print of the company you inevitably choose. Some companies will only provide you with commission advances if the deal is within 90 days of closing, while other companies like www.accesseasyfunds.com are more flexible, and have no closing timeline requirements. It’s all well and good to do the research and then decide on a company, but if their fine print vetoes them from your choices, you’re going to be pretty peeved you didn’t read the fine print sooner.

Having the money to work with can do wonders for your growth in the short term, allowing you invest more in marketing and find more clients! Real estate is a tough, but lucrative industry, but you need to do everything you can to succeed. By having the right tools at your disposal, you can find the right clients and reap the rewards of the real estate industry!

Aisha Olson

I am a Blogger living in the Edmonton, AB area. I am a graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree in journalism and media studies.

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